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How do you get past the electric water in Tomb Raider?

How do you get past the electric water in Tomb Raider?

You’ll need to raise that big electric plug out of the water in order to cross safely. Shoot a rope arrow into the rope-wrapped girder dangling from the ceiling just to the right of the plug. When Lara pulls, it raises the plug out of the water but only temporarily.

How do you open the tomb on Shipwreck Beach?

Start exploring the beach near the survivors’ camp (northern area of Shipwreck Beach) and you’ll find a barricaded entrance to an underground temple. Shot a rope arrow and use the rope ascender (hold the action button) to unlock further way.

How do you solve the flooded tomb in Tomb Raider?

REMOVING BARRIERS. Lara needs to shotgun the wooden barricade for her to get a good spot to pull the raft initially. Be sure to free the raft first by burning its tie/anchor. After pulling the raft close to the other side of the platform, have Lara hop there.

How do you swim under water in Tomb Raider?

When Lara enters water deep enough for swimming, she’ll automatically swim along the surface using the regular direction controls. Hold this button to dive below the surface. Then use direction controls to swim underwater. Hold this button to swim faster either on the surface or underwater.

How do I get out of the flooded vault?

Start on the left side of the room. Pick up more shotgun shells. Then use your torch to burn the cloth-wrapped pole, freeing the raft that’s tethered to the dock. Return past the entrance, pick up more shotgun shells in the corner, and go into the little room with the plank-and-barbed-wire barrier.

How do you get the treasure map in Shipwreck beach?

This treasure map can be found at the end of the Temple of Handmaidens optional tomb, inside of treasure chest. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image. Temple of Handmaidens treasure chest. Click on the thumbnail to see the original image.

How do you get the treasure map in Shipwreck Beach?

Where are the flooded archives in Tomb Raider?

To get there, start from the Ridgeline Base Camp in the GEOTHERMAL VALLEY and follow the path to the east. Re-enter the tunnel and backtrack to the end to find an elevated passageway above on the left. Use a climbing arrow to reach the passageway.

Can you swim Tomb Raider 2013?

Diving is one of Lara’s moves that has been in most of the Tomb Raider Games, it is based upon swimming. The only game where it did not occur is the reboot Tomb Raider (2013). Although Lara occasionally hits the water in that game, diving is not part of the gameplay mechanics.

How do you make Lara dive?

How to do a forward or swan dive in Tomb Raider: To dive, you stand on the red markings of a diving platform, jump forward and immediately hit the L trigger. If you press too late, Lara will jump in feet first. If you did it correctly, she’ll do a swan dive.