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How do you get a job working for the EU?

How do you get a job working for the EU?

You must have at least 3 years work experience at an appropriate level, you must have worked for an eligible employer for at least 12 months before the secondment, and you must have thorough knowledge of one of the EU languages and a satisfactory knowledge of another EU language.

How do I apply for Enisa?

Use the PDF application form related to the position you want to apply. The form is available on ENISA career website. The format of the PDF application must not be changed and filled accordingly to the instructions. The application must be submitted in English language, which is the working language of ENISA.

Can non EU citizens work for the European Commission?

EU citizenship is not obligatory (a small number of places are reserved for non-EU citizens), but knowledge of two EU languages is required. Work experience and postgraduate education is a plus, but not an eligibility criterion. Paid: Yes.

Who works in the European Commission?

The commission is composed of a College of “Commissioners” of 27 members, including the President and vice-presidents. Even though each member is nominated on the basis of the suggestions made by the national governments, one per state, they do not represent their state in the commission.

Is it easy to get a job in the EU?

Without a work visa, it is difficult to work in Europe. This is also important for meeting the legal obligations of working in Europe. It may not be hard to find a job in Europe if you have the required qualifications and experience.

How much do EU officials get paid?

Indeed, the top EU jobs are lucrative hovering around the 25 000 EUR per month mark with extra perks.

Where is Enisa located?

Athens, Greece
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is a centre of expertise for cyber security in Europe. The Agency is located in Athens, Greece and has a second office in Heraklion, Greece.

How old is Enisa?

26 years (March 5, 1996)Enisa Nikaj / Age

Do you need two languages to work for the EU?

One of the conditions to get a job at the European Commission or another institution of the European Union is to have the working knowledge of two EU languages. For most people these are their native language and English, French or German.

How much does an EU commissioner earn?

Salaries. A Commissioner’s basic monthly salary is fixed at 112.5% of the top civil service grade. This works out at €22,367.04 per month. The President is paid at 138% (€27,436.90 per month), Vice-Presidents at 125% (€24,852.26 per month) and the High Representative at 130% (€25,846.35 per month).

What is the difference between European Union and European Commission?

The European Union is a bigger international political entity than the European Commission which is just one of its many subbranches. 2. The European Commission acts as an executive branch of the EU and is endowed with administrative functions as well as given the capacity to propose legislation.

Which European country gives job easily?

Germany. Germany has remained consistently at the top of many lists for the past three years, and rightly so. It sits at number 2 with one of the lowest unemployment rates in the whole of Europe, at 3.6%. Offers job security, great affordable housing, travel connectivity and safety.