How do you find the train between two stations?
- Visit Railyatri trains between stations enquiry page.
- Enter the ‘From’ & ‘To’ station name or code to get the updated train schedule.
- Find the station name or code by just entering it’s first 3 letters. You will see a drop-down list from which you can select the desired station.
What is the meaning of train diverted between stations?
Divert trains mean trains that have not been canceled but instead have their route changed.
Can I board after 2 stations?
Rule #2: The rule of two stops The rule thus allows you to board the train from the next upcoming station, if that is feasible. Once the train has passed the upcoming stop (or the time line), the TTE is free to allocate the seat only to the next person on RAC list.
Which is the shortest route train in India?
Currently, the shortest route of a slow passenger train in India is Barkakana–Sidhwar Passenger (numbered 53375 / 53376) with a record distance of 6 km (3.7 mi) with an average speed of 18 km/h (11 mph).
What is meant by 3A in train?
Third AC or AC 3-tier (3A) This is the most common and most preferred class of travel by the Indian middle class passengers. Third AC Sleeper has 8 berths in each compartment.
What happens if a train route is diverted?
If your train is diverted from its specified route and you don’t want to travel via the new route, you can get a full refund of your ticket fare. For this, you must file a TDR up to 72 hours of the train’s departure schedule from the station where you are supposed to board.
How do I find a diverted train route?
Information on the cancelled and diverted trains is available on the website or on the NTES app. One can get the details about the trains by keying in the train number.
Can I board a train after 2 stations from where I bought the ticket?
Yes you can board it only on next two stations. And if you fail to do so the T.T.E can allot your seat to other person as per railways rules.
What is rule of boarding in train?
Boarding point change is allowed only once. Boarding station can be changed before 24 hours of the scheduled departure of train. Boarding point change is not allowed if ticket is seized. Boarding point change is not allowed for the PNRs with VIKALP option.
Which is the slowest train in India?
The Nilgiri Express with an average speed of 10 kmph has the distinction of being India’s slowest train.
Which is the longest rail route in India?
Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari
One of the Vivek Express trains, the one from Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari, is the longest route on the Indian Railways network, in terms of distance and time, and is currently the 24th longest in the world.