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How do you find the performance point in a pushover analysis?

How do you find the performance point in a pushover analysis?

The Performance Point, which represents the state of maximum inelastic capacity of the structure, is found through the cross point of the Capacity Spectrum and Demand Spectrum for a given damping ratio. From the Main Menu select Design > Pushover Analysis > Pushover Curve.

What is the target displacement?

Under seismic loads on structures, the maximum drift without total collapse is called target displacement.

What is demand curve in pushover analysis?

Using the interaction of the base shear and the displacements calculated from the results of a Pushover analysis, the capacity curve and capacity spectrum of a structure are calculated. The demand spectrum is also generated for a design seismic load using the design response spectrum.

What is capacity spectrum method?

The capacity spectrum method by means of a graphical procedure , compares the capacity of a structure with the demands of earthquake ground motion. The graphical presentation makes possible a visual evaluation of how the structure will perform when subjected to earthquake ground motions.

What is capacity curve?

A capacity curve is a type of graph expressing the relationship between work capacity and income. According to the University of Victoria’s website, a capacity curve slopes upward and has an S-shape. The kinks in a capacity curve show the realistic differences in the labor market of a given area.

What is SRSS method?

SUMMARY. It is well-known that the application of the Square-Root-of-Sum-of-Squares (SRSS) method in seismic analysis for combining modal maxima can cause significant errors. Nevertheless, this method continues to be used by the profession for significant buildings.

What types of moving load analysis does Midas civil provide?

For moving load analyses, midas Civil provides a database of standard vehicular loads. Users can also define separate vehicular loads. Available moving load database includes: midas Civil provides various features for composite girder bridge design where it is important to check the member forces for both before and after composite actions.

How does Midas civil work with suspension bridges?

The suspension bridge wizard in midas Civil automatically calculates the cable coordinates and tensions of the final structure. Also, using 3D elastic suspension line elements and equivalent truss elements, midas Civil can consider nonlinear characteristics of the cables.

What is local direction force sum in Midas civil?

With plate models, the local direction force sum combines the nodal forces of plate or solid elements and calculates the member forces at specified positions. For moving load analyses, midas Civil provides a database of standard vehicular loads. Users can also define separate vehicular loads.

How to calculate soil stiffness in Midas civil?

For this, Midas Civil provides Multi-linear type point spring support. Also the program can automatically calculate the soil stiffness by entering the required data such as soil type and subgrade reaction.