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How do you find the item ID in Minecraft 1.7 10?

How do you find the item ID in Minecraft 1.7 10?

You can press F3 + H which will enable tooltips. You can now hover over an item or block to see its id.

What is the ID for Minecraft bedrock?

Minecraft ID List (Pocket Edition)

Description (Minecraft ID Name) Minecraft ID Minecraft Data Value
Bedrock (minecraft:bedrock) 7 0
Bee Nest (minecraft:bee_nest) 0
Bee Spawn Egg (minecraft:bee_spawn_egg) 0
Raw Beef (minecraft:beef) 363 0

How do you use block IDs in Minecraft?

Using the Info Tool

  1. Place the block you want to set.
  2. Hold any item in your hand (not a block)
  3. Run the /info command.
  4. Right-click the block you placed with the item.
  5. The chat will have a message that has both the #id and [data] values. If it says #991 and [5], the block’s ID is 991:5.
  6. Use that ID in the WorldEdit command.

What is tileData Minecraft?

tileData is optional. It is the data type or variation of the block if more than one type exists for that tileName. replace will replace all blocks in the fill region, including air. outline is optional. It will replace blocks on the outer edge of the fill region, but does not replace the inner blocks.

What is the ID number for a diamond pickaxe?

Diamond Pickaxe Information

Item ID minecraft:diamond_pickaxe
Numerical ID 278
Stackable No

What version of Minecraft is Minecraft 1 7 10?

Minecraft 1.7.10 1.7.10 is a minor update to Minecraft (Java Edition) released on June 26, 2014, which made it possible for additional features to be added to Realms without the need for a Minecraft version upgrade. It is compatible with 1.7.6 – 1.7.9 servers.

What version of Minecraft has ID names?

Minecraft ID List (Java Edition 1.14) Each block or item has a unique Minecraft ID Name assigned to it in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.14. This means that DataValues are no longer used in this version of the game.

What is @Minecraft item ids?

Minecraft Item IDs is a searchable, interactive database of all Minecraft item and block IDs.

How do I find the ID of a Minecraft block?

Minecraft ID list. This blog tells you all of the ID’s of blocks and items in Minecraft. You can use /give [Player name] [ID of item/block] on a server or in survival. You can also now see the potions that you can get in minecraft.