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How do you enter cheats on Guitar Hero Rocks 80s?

How do you enter cheats on Guitar Hero Rocks 80s?

You can enter cheat codes through the main menu. Each letter in the codes below represents buttons on the guitar controller: G for the green button, R for the red button, Y for yellow, B for blue, and O for orange.

How do you unlock all songs on Guitar Hero PS2?

To unlock everything in the game, insert the following code on your guitar at the title screen: Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red, Orange, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow.

How do you unlock all songs on Guitar Hero 80s?

Cheat mode At the main menu, quickly press Blue, Orange, Yellow, Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Blue, Yellow to unlock all guitars, songs, videos, and cheats.

How do you unlock all songs on Guitar Hero 5?

Enter the codes below using the game’s cheat menu and the regular buttons on the controller. The letters stand for their respective colors: R=Red, B=Blue, G=Green, and Y=Yellow….Guitar Hero 5 PS2 Cheat Codes.

Effect Cheat Code
Unlock all characters B, B, G, G, R, G, R, Y
Unlock all songs B, B, R, G, G, B, B, Y

What does the performance mode cheat do in Guitar Hero?

Performance Mode is a cheat in the Guitar Hero series. When activated, the player is unable to see the notes and must play from memory. It also takes away the Rock Meter and the Multiplier count.

How do you unlock all songs on Guitar Hero Legends of Rock?

To unlock all of the game’s songs for Quick Play Mode, insert the following notes in the Options menu: Yellow & Orange, Red & Blue, Red & Orange, Green & Blue, Red & Yellow, Yellow & Orange, Red & Yellow, Red & Blue, Green & Yellow x2, Yellow & Blue x2, Yellow & Orange x2, Yellow & Blue, Yellow, Red, Red & Yellow, Red.

How do you get more songs on Guitar Hero Aerosmith?

Note: Each note or chord must be strummed. Press Green at the “Cheats” menu to turn off a particular cheat….Guitar Hero Aerosmith Codes.

Effect Effect
Press RY, GR, GR, RY, RY, GR, RY, RY, GR, GR, RY, RY, GR, RY, RB Unlock All Songs