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How do you describe a werewolf transformation?

How do you describe a werewolf transformation?

Bones forcibly elongate and change their shape, sometimes moving so drastically that they rupture a person’s skin. From beginning to end, the transformation can take several minutes, and the end result is a creature who is part human and part wolf, in varying proportions.

How do humans transform into werewolves?

It is said that humans can be turned into werewolves by having been bitten by another werewolf. Getting scratched is a questionable way of becoming a werewolf, but most don’t believe in it. However, both of these only work if the werewolf in question is in wolf form.

How did Josh become a werewolf being human?

Josh throws Will into the air on the night of the full moon. and faster. As a result of Sally’s incomplete banishing spell, Josh was able to reassume human form again while outside of a full moon.

Can werewolves control their transformation?

Some werewolves learn over a large period of time to gain control of themselves in their wolf form. The only werewolves who have ever been shown to be in complete control of what they were doing are the Crescent Wolf Pack.

What does a werewolf transformation feel like?

While the end result might be cool, the steps of turning into a werewolf are all pretty painful for your human form to handle. There is usually a lot of screaming, snapping, stretching, and howling involved.

How would you describe a werewolf?

In European folklore, a werewolf is a man who turns into a wolf at night and devours animals, people, or corpses but returns to human form by day.

What causes a werewolf to transform?

Most werewolves have a trigger that makes them transform. For example, if a werewolf is in human form and it gets too hyper, it will transform. Other triggers are: getting too angry, getting hurt, getting too much adrenaline, or to protect something or someone, and even fire.

Does Josh tell Nora he’s a werewolf?

She was accidentally scratched by Josh while he was transforming, and is now a werewolf. It is revealed in House Hunting that she is pregnant with a purebred werewolf and Josh is the father….Nora Sergeant.

Biographical information
Infector Josh
Television Portrayal
First appearance Wouldn’t It be Nice (If We Were All Human)

Does Julia find out about Josh?

After Emily is in bed Julia reveals that she came to Boston to find Josh and look for answers. Josh tries to tell her about why he left without revealing that he is a werewolf. Then Josh leaves Julia to head home. Josh finds his old friend Stu at the hospital where he works, and sees he is now a ghost.

How strong is a werewolf in human form?

about 2 tons
Superhuman Strength: The original werewolves possesses superhuman strength, enabling them to lift (or press) about 2 tons in human form. While in their intermediate form, they are able to lift about 4 tons.

What is a female werewolf called?

In mythology and literature, a werewoman or were-woman is a woman who has taken the form of an animal through a process of lycanthropy.

How would you describe a wolf personality?

Wolves are complex, highly intelligent animals who are caring, playful, and above all devoted to family. Only a select few other species exhibit these traits so clearly. Just like elephants, gorillas and dolphins, wolves educate their young, take care of their injured and live in family groups.

What happens when a werewolf turns into a human form?

When a newly-made werewolf reverts to human form after the transformation, they may regurgitate the dead animals they consumed overnight, but this subsides as the body adapts to the transformations (which may take years).

What is a werewolf?

Werewolves are former humans that are afflicted with a hereditary curse. The most common way that a werewolf is created is for a human to survive being scratched (or presumably bitten) by a transformed werewolf. The victim remains human for one more month until the next full moon, at which time they will transform themselves.

How are werewolves created?

The most common way that a werewolf is created is for a human to survive being scratched (or presumably bitten) by a transformed werewolf. The victim remains human for one more month until the next full moon, at which time they will transform themselves.

How do you become a werewolf?

The most common way that a werewolf is created is for a human to survive being scratched (or presumably bitten) by a transformed werewolf. The victim remains human for one more month until the next full moon, at which time they will transform themselves. Children born to two werewolves will inherit the curse from their parents.