How do you calculate bunker silage capacity?
The pounds of silage in the silo is calculated by multiplying: Length (ft) x width (ft) x depth (ft) x density (lb/cu-ft) at the final moisture content. For example the silo is 50 feet long by 30 feet wide and the silage averages 12 feet deep.
How do you calculate the tonnage of silage in a pit?
Multiply pit length x pit width x pit height x kgs per cubic metre as per table ÷ 1000 = TONNES IN PIT approx.
How many tons of silage are there in a cubic meter?
Assuming the silage analysis has shown a Dry Matter of 25%, multiply the volume of 1,050m³ by 0.68 to get 714 tonnes fresh weight of silage in the pit….Worked example.
Silage dry matter (%) | Tonnes of silage per cubic meter |
Wholecrop 40% dry matter | Multiply by 0.67 |
Forage maize 30% dry matter | Multiply by 0.75 |
How much is silage per acre?
silage per acre can be expected for each 6 to 7 bushels of grain per acre. For example, if expected grain yield is 125 bushels per acre, corn silage yields will be about 18 to 20 tons per acre of 30% dry matter silage (5 to 6 tons per acre dry matter yield).
How many pounds of corn silage are in a cubic foot?
There are two standard guides for determining the weight and volume of corn silage. Silage that is not packed has a weight of approximately 25 pounds per cubic foot, and well-packed silage is considered to weigh approximately 35 pounds per cubic foot.
How many tons of corn silage are in a bag?
While density of silage impacts the capacity of a bag, this size will hold between 100-150 tons (as-fed). Bags that are 10 ft diameter and 300 ft long are also commonly used and will hold between 350 to 450 tons (as-fed).
How much does 1m3 of silage weigh?
Silage density varies according to the height of the clamp, the DM of the silage and how well the clamp was consolidated. Wholecrop tends to have a lower density of between 550 – 650 kg/ m3, while maize silage is heavier with a density of 750-800 kg/m3.
How much does corn silage weight per cubic foot?
How do you calculate dry matter of silage?
Calculating Dry Matter Weigh and record the container and feed weight. Subtract the weight of the container from the total weight (Step 3) to determine the weight of the feed before drying. Thoroughly dry the feed. Weigh and record the container and feed weight immediately after drying.
What is the average yield for corn silage?
Breadcrumb Menu. The cost of raising a ton of corn silage, like the cost of producing a hundredweight of milk, varies across farms and years. For example, in 2019 the 33 Ohio Farm Business Analysis corn silage enterprises reported an average yield of 18.8 ton/acre, but yields ranged from 10 to 25 ton/acre.
How do you calculate corn silage yield?
The weight of the plants divided by 2 will provide the estimated silage yield. Example: The plants from 17 feet, 5 inches with a 30″ row spacing weigh 40lbs. This gives an estimated yield of 20 tons per acre (40/2). If the plant dry matter was 35%, then the calculated dry matter yield per acre would be 7 (20 • 0.35).
How much silage is in a cubic foot?
Silage that is not packed has a weight of approximately 25 pounds per cubic foot, and well-packed silage is considered to weigh approximately 35 pounds per cubic foot. These numbers will vary slightly depending on the moisture content and length of cut at harvest.