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How do you beat Green Run In Tranzit Zombies?

How do you beat Green Run In Tranzit Zombies?

Him can easily be defeated by using an EMP Grenade from the Mystery Box. Defeating him without being damaged will unlock the You Have No Power Over Me achievement / trophy. Another less easy way to kill Him is to use the Galvaknuckles which can beat him but only after quite a few hits.

Where are all the parts in Green Run Tranzit?

Open the door with the turbine and search the room for a bus part (there are four places the three bus upgrades can spawn and this is one of them)….Area 1: Bus Depot

  • Mannequin – Inside the bus depot. In front of the map in the centre of the room.
  • Fan – Inside the bus depot.
  • Tailfin – Inside the bus depot.

How do you beat Tranzit Zombies?

Black Ops 2 Zombies – How to complete Tranzit – Tower of Babble Achievement (Maxis)

  1. Turn on the power at power house.
  2. Wait for electric zombie to spawn and leave a crawler (so level doesn’t end)
  3. Locate the electric pylon in crop field.
  4. Tempt the electric man to the pylon.
  5. Turn off the power at power house.

How many maps are in Green Run?

The map is split into five locations: Bus Depot, Diner, Farm, Power Plant, and Town, four of which are playable as separate maps in the Survival, Grief or Turned mode maps.

Is there an Easter egg on town?

In Town, at the Mystery Box spawn on the second floor of the bar, there are pictures, and a few of these pictures show the “Tower of Babble”, which is related to the major Easter Egg in TranZit. The Bank vault cannot be opened in any mode besides TranZit.

What is green run in Black Ops 2 zombies?

Green Run is the only TranZit level in Black Ops 2 zombies (so far) and it features five core areas linked together by a bus route. Each area contains a number of doors, weapons, Perk-a-Cola machines and buildable items that we can utilise, so exploration is important if you want to find all there is to find in Green Run.

What is the town section of Green Run?

The Town section of Green Run is one of five locations in the overall Green Run map. If you’re playing TranZit, see the Green Run page. Green Run – Town can be played on either Survival or Grief .

How do you run a zombie train?

Unlike Green Run – Town, there is a very clear loop to run a zombie train on with a few bailouts if trouble arises. The general idea of the Station loop is to run around the gas pumps outside avoiding zombies as much as posible and killing any directly in your way.

How do you do the station loop in zombies?

The general idea of the Station loop is to run around the gas pumps outside avoiding zombies as much as posible and killing any directly in your way. Once enough zombies are in tow, you turn around and cause as much damage as possible. Reload and repeating the loop until each round ends.