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How do you apply retention policy to multiple mailboxes?

How do you apply retention policy to multiple mailboxes?

Use the EAC to apply a retention policy to multiple mailboxes

  1. Navigate to Recipients > Mailboxes.
  2. In the list view, use the Shift or Ctrl keys to select multiple mailboxes.
  3. In the details pane, click More options.
  4. Under Retention Policy, click Update.

How often does ManagedFolderAssistant run?

You can configure the Managed Folder Assistant to process all mailboxes on a Mailbox server within a certain time period that’s known as a work cycle. By default, the work cycle for the MFA is one day (all mailboxes on the server are processed by the MFA every day).

How do you trigger the MFA Managed Folder Assistant to immediately process a mailbox?

Use the Start-ManagedFolderAssistant cmdlet to immediately start messaging records management (MRM) processing of mailboxes that you specify.

How many shared mailboxes can be created in Office 365?

Maximum number of holds per mailbox: 25 is the recommended maximum before performance might be impacted; 50 is the supported limit.

Can you apply retention policy to shared mailbox?

Click Office 365 tab. Select Management from the left navigation section and click Mailbox Management. Under Shared Mailbox Tasks, select Shared Mailbox Retention Policy. Choose the O365 tenant to which you wish to apply the settings and give the necessary inputs.

How many retention policies can you apply to a mailbox?

one retention policy
A mailbox can’t have more than one retention policy. Messages are expired based on settings defined in the retention tags linked to the policy. These settings include actions such moving messages to the archive or permanently deleting them.

How often do retention policies run?

every 7 days
Retention Policies are processed by a scheduled task that runs every 7 days. This means emails could be kept up to 7 days past the expiration period.

How long does it take for in place archive to start?

When you enable Exchange Online Archiving for a user on Office 365, it can take 24 hours or more for the Managed Folder Assistant to start it’s first run and begin archiving email out of the primary mailbox.

What is ELC processing?

ElcProcessingDisabled is another mailbox property that’s related to the processing of a mailbox by the Managed Folder Assistant (the default value for this property is False).

How many shared mailboxes can be added to Outlook?

By default, Outlook allows up to 10 Exchange accounts to be configured in a single mail profile. If you for some reason need to add more than 10 Exchange accounts to your mail profile, you can extend this limit to up to 9999 via a Registry tweak.

How many shared mailboxes can a tenant have?

Based on my experience, there is no limitation to create shared mailboxes in Office 365. The only limitation is about the shared mailbox’s storage. If it’s larger than 50GB, you need to assign a license to the mailbox to store more data.

How do I apply for a different retention policy?

In the folder pane, right-click the message or folder for which you want to apply a policy and select Assign policy. Select the archive or retention policy you want to assign to the message or folder.

How to process more than one mailbox with start-managedfolderassistant?

When we run the Start-ManagedFolderAssistant cmdlet successfully, then there will be an event 9018 in the application log. If we want to process more than one mailbox, we will need to use the Get-Mailbox cmdlet and pipe a filtered list of mailboxes to Start-ManagedFolderAssistant. Just as you mentioned above:

How does the managed folder assistant process retention of mailboxes?

For information about the parameter sets in the Syntax section below, see Exchange cmdlet syntax. The Managed Folder Assistant uses the retention policy settings of users’ mailboxes to process retention of items. This mailbox processing occurs automatically.

What is the managed folder assistant in exchange?

In Exchange 2010 SP1, the Managed Folder Assistant is a throttle-based assistant. Throttle-based assistants are always running and don’t need to be scheduled.

How do I use the start-managedfolderassistant cmdlet?

Use the Start-ManagedFolderAssistant cmdlet to immediately start messaging records management (MRM) processing of mailboxes that you specify. For information about the parameter sets in the Syntax section below, see Exchange cmdlet syntax.