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How do I see Bash history in Linux?

How do I see Bash history in Linux?

The command is simply called history, but can also be accessed by looking at your . bash_history in your home folder. By default, the history command will show you the last five hundred commands you have entered.

Is history a Bash command?

Bash provides two builtin commands which manipulate the history list and history file. The first form selects a range of commands from first to last from the history list and displays or edits and re-executes them.

Where is the Bash history saved?

The bash shell stores the history of commands you’ve run in your user account’s history file at~/. bash_history by default. For example, if your username is bob, you’ll find this file at /home/bob/. bash_history.

How can I see my shell history?

Searching shell command history

  1. Open a terminal application on your Linux or Unix and type history to list all commands.
  2. To search for a command in the history, press ctrl+r multiple times.
  3. Finally, use the grep command to search for commands that match a text pattern or strings.

Where is history stored in Linux?

The background. In Bash, your command history is stored in a file ( . bash_history ) in your home directory.

How do I find file history in Linux?

You might be able to narrow the list down.

  1. use stat command (ex: stat , See this)
  2. Find the Modify time.
  3. Use last command to see the log in history (see this)
  4. Compare the log-in/log-out times with the file’s Modify timestamp.

What is Bash history Linux?

The Linux bash has a very powerful command called “history”. This command is a built-in bash command that is used to extract history information about commands that have been executed by Linux users in all previous sessions.

What is Bash history file?

File created by Bash, a Unix-based shell program commonly used on Mac OS X and Linux operating systems; stores a history of user commands entered at the command prompt; used for viewing old commands that have been executed.

How does Bash history work?

When you open a bash terminal it loads the content of ~/. bash_history and builds the active shell’s history (in the RAM), adding every command executed in that shell to it – and only to it, not to the file. Only when you close a bash terminal its history is appended to your ~/. bash_history file.

How can check date history in Linux?

Users set the HISTTIMEFORMAT variable. Bash uses its value to the format string to show the date/time stamp associated with each history entry displayed by the built-in history command. In other words, when this variable is set, time stamps are written to the history file so they may be preserved across shell sessions.