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How do I install Charles on my Mac?

How do I install Charles on my Mac?


  1. Windows. Run the setup application to install Charles in your Programs menu.
  2. Mac OS X. Unzip the download file by double-clicking it, and then copy the Charles application into your Applications folder.
  3. Linux.
  4. Getting Started.

How do I connect to Charles Proxy on Mac?

Open Settings, tap Wi-Fi and verify you’re connected to the same network as your computer. Then, tap the ⓘ button next to your Wi-Fi network. Scroll down to the HTTP Proxy section, select Configure Proxy and then tap Manual. Enter your Mac’s IP address for Server and the Charles HTTP Proxy port number for Port.

How do I get Charles Proxy?

Configuring Your Android Device to use the Charles Proxy

  1. Go to Settings > Wifi.
  2. Press and hold down the power key on the Wifi Network device you are currently connected to.
  3. When the modal displays, select Modify Network.
  4. Select Show Advanced Options to display proxying options.
  5. Under Proxy, select Manual.

Is Charles free to use?

Charles can be downloaded from their website. The Charles installation is painless and you can be up and running quickly. The one drawback to Charles is that it is not free. Licenses cost about $50 with some discounts available for purchasing multiple licenses.

What is Charles Proxy on Mac?

Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet. This includes requests, responses and the HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information).

How do I install Charles certificate on Chrome?

On your phone use the file manager app and, Go to Settings > Security > Install from storage. Locate your certificate file and install it.

How do I connect my IOS device to Charles?

Configuring Charles

  1. Open the Proxy > Proxy Settings… menu.
  2. On the Proxies tab, enter “8888” in the HTTP Proxy Port field.
  3. Open the SSL Proxying Settings… menu.
  4. On the SSL Proxying tab check the Enable SSL Proxying.
  5. Go to Help > SSL Proxying > Install Charles Root Certification a Mobile Device or Remote Browser…

What is macOS proxy Charles?

Charles Proxy macOS setup guide 🔧 Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet. This includes requests, responses and the HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information).

How much does Charles cost?

This enables you to evaluate Charles before deciding to purchase. Charles 4 was released on 1 August 2016….Pricing.

License Pricing
1-4 User Licenses USD $50 / license
5+ User Licenses USD $40 / license (20% discount)
10+ User Licenses USD $30 / license (40% discount)
Site License USD $400

How do I remove Charles Proxy from my Mac?

Go to the Connections tab. Click on the LAN Settings. You’ll see a Proxy panel. Uncheck the Use a Proxy checkbox.

Why do we use Charles Proxy?

Charles Proxy is a web debugging tool that monitors the network calls and decrypts the web traffic. It helps in understanding the content in your network call. E.g. Requests sent to the server and data fetched from the server etc. This network debugging tool can read the web traffic of Windows, Android and IOS devices.

How do I install a Charles certificate on my computer?

In Charles go to the Help menu and choose “SSL Proxying > Install Charles Root Certificate”. A window will appear warning you that the CA Root certificate is not trusted. Click the “Install Certificate” button to launch the Certificate Import Wizard.