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How do I get more Kyrat Fashion Week quests?

How do I get more Kyrat Fashion Week quests?

To unlock the Kyrat Fashion Week quests you will first need to progress through the story and take the first Outpost. From there head South and you’ll reach the Kyra Tea Weigh Station Outpost. Once you occupy this area a quest will appear to the West at the House of Chiffon.

Where is Mr chiffon?

To initiate the Kyrat Fashion Week quest line, stop by Mr Chiffon’s hideout at x:325 y:384, just west of Kyra Tea Weigh Station. Once you’ve made Chiffon’s acquaintance, his rare hunts will start to appear at your various safe houses.

Where are fashion weeks held?

Fashion week happens twice a year in the major fashion capitals of the world; New York (February 7-15), London (February 15-19), Milan (February 19-25), and Paris (February 25-March 5).

What is a mad devil in Far Cry 4?

The Mad Devil is a rare Tibetan Wolf that can be found in Kyrat in Far Cry 4. The Kyrat Fashion Week quest to hunt the Mad Devil is located at KEO Gold Storage, after liberating the outpost.

How can I hide my thick skin?

Thick Skin will most likely be the last rare animal to be killed, as getting this quest is only possible after capturing the fourth fortress. Thick Skin’s Hide is used for the final upgrade to the Explosives Bag. He is the only elephant in the game to have a Hide pickup.

Where is the ghost bear in Far Cry 4?

The Ghost Bear is a unique variant of bear found in this mission. You must kill the Ghost Bear with a shotgun to earn its skin. The bear can be found near 695X, 620Y on the map.

Where is the sky tiger in Far Cry 4?

Sky Tiger. The Sky Tiger is a unique variant of the Bengal Tiger found near Barnali’s Textiles (coordinates: 444, 689).

What are the 4 fashion weeks?

Although there are many notable fashion weeks around the world, only four are known as the “Big Four”: in chronological order, New York, London, Paris, and Milan.