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How do I get a substring in Delphi?

How do I get a substring in Delphi?

You can use the Copy function to extract a sequence of characters from a string: cSerial. Text := Copy(Result, 2, 3); Note that the third parameter is the number of characters to extract, not the index of the last character.

What is Tstring in Delphi?

A string represents a sequence of characters. Delphi supports the following predefined string types. String types. Type. Maximum length.

How do I use char in Delphi?

The Char type represents a single character, just as it does in standard Pascal. You can cast any integer type to a character by using the Char type name in a type cast. Unlike some other type casts, the size of the integer value does not have to match the size of a Char.

How do I find the length of an array in Delphi?

Use Length function to get the length of your array: var ArrayLength: Integer; begin ArrayLength := Length(ArrayOfSomething); end; From the reference for this function (emphasized by me):

How do you get the first element of a string?

How to Get the First Character of a String

  1. The charAt() Method. You should use the charAt() method at index 0 for selecting the first character of the string.
  2. The substring() Method. You can also use the substring() method to get the first character:
  3. The slice() Method.
  4. The bracket notation [] Method.

How does POS work in Delphi?

Pos looks for the first complete occurrence of the specified String — generally offered literally, in single quotes — in Source. The Source is usually some variable. If Pos finds the string, it returns the character position in Source of the first character in Str as an integer value, otherwise it returns 0.

How many strings can a TStringList hold?

134,217,728 strings
Answer: TStringList can hold up to 134,217,728 strings (MaxListSize+1).

What is PChar in Delphi?

PChar defines a pointer to a memory location that contains WideChar values (including the #0 character). In Delphi, one can obtain a PChar value from a string or a WideString, allowing seamless integration with C or C++ applications that expect null-terminated Unicode strings.

What does #13 mean in Delphi?

The “#13#10” part represents a carriage return + line feed combination. The “#13” is the ASCII equivalent of the CR (carriage return) value; #10 represents LF (line feed). Two more interesting control characters include: #0 — NULL character.

How do I convert char to string in Delphi?

“how to convert char to string in delphi” Code Answer

  1. var.
  2. sA : String;
  3. cA : Char;
  4. sA := ‘Name’;
  5. cA := A[1]; //This selects the first letter of your string.

Why convert AnsiString to widestring in Delphi?

Because a WideString variable is a pointer to a WideChar (in the same way an AnsiString variable is a pointer to an AnsiChar .) And this way Delphi will automatically “up-convert” an AnsiString to a WideString for you.

How do I set the length of a Delphi string?

Delphi Basics : SetString command. Description. The SetString procedure sets the length of TargetString to Length before copying that number of characters from the buffer referenced by BufferPointer . The length is only set when the string is not a ShortString.

What is the widestring data type used for?

The WideString data type is used to hold sequences of International characters, like sentences. Each character is a WideChar, guaranteed to be 16 bits in size. WideChar types provide support for multi-byte International character sets such as Chinese, which have vast numbers of characters (idiograms) in their character sets.

How to convert a string to a widestring?

Keep in mind that casting a string to a WideString will convert it using default system codepage which may or may not be what you need. Typically, you’d want to use current user’s locale. You can change DefaultSystemCodePage by calling SetMultiByteConversionCodePage. Show activity on this post.