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How do I contact Sagicor bank?

How do I contact Sagicor bank?

Our Customer Contact Centre is the best way to keep in touch with us. Please call us at 1-888-SAGICOR (1-888-724-4267). Information on our products and services is available at

Who is Sagicor owned by?

Sagicor Financial Corporation Limited
Sagicor is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sagicor Financial Corporation Limited (SFC), one of the oldest insurance groups in the Americas.

What was Sagicor name before?

Life of Jamaica
Sagicor Group Jamaica is a financial services conglomerate. The company commenced operations in 1970 as Life of Jamaica (LOJ) Limited, the first locally owned life insurance company and the first life insurance company to be listed on the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE).

Who is the CEO of Sagicor bank?

The board of directors of Sagicor Bank Jamaica Limited announced the appointment of Chorvelle Johnson as its new chief executive officer effective January 29, 2018.

Does sagicor have WhatsApp number?

Clients and the general public can now use WhatsApp, via (246)467-7243, to communicate with client representatives, complete and submit claim forms for any business, receive answers to queries and learn about products and services, all via the convenience of a digital tool that is used by most Caribbean nationals.

How do I transfer from sagicor to Scotiabank?

Transferring from A Sagicor Bank Account

  1. Log into your Sagicor e-bank account.
  2. Go to the ‘Bill Payments’ tab.
  3. Select the bank account you are transferring from.
  4. Click on the ‘Biller/Payee’ field and select ‘Sagicor Credit Card JMD’ as the biller.
  5. Enter the amount to be transferred.

Is Sagicor bank in USA?

Sagicor now operates in 22 countries in the Caribbean, Latin America, the United Kingdom and the United States.

What is Sagicor known for?

Sagicor Group Jamaica is a full service financial institution offering banking, investments, life & health insurance, pensions, and real estate services, with an outstanding history and reputation for leading innovation.

What is the meaning of Sagicor?

The name Sagicor is a combination of two words, “Sage” meaning wise and “Cor” for heart or judgement. We believe that the name, Sagicor, reflects our dominant philosophy of wisdom with heart.

Which country is Sagicor from?

The Sagicor Bank is the retail, business and corporate banking arm of Sagicor Group Jamaica.

How do I transfer money from my sagicor account to another bank?

What is sagicor Swift code?

A SWIFT code — sometimes also called a SWIFT number — is a standard format for Business Identifier Codes (BIC). Banks and financial institutions use them to identify themselves globally….SAGICOR BANK JAMAICA LIMITED.

Country Jamaica