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How do I activate my Interrail pass?

How do I activate my Interrail pass?

To do this, simply go to the ticket office of any large train station in one of the participating Interrail countries. A railway official will then activate your Interrail Pass by filling in the start and end date of your Pass, as well as your passport number. They will also stamp the Pass in order to validate it.

How many countries can you visit with the Interrail Global Pass?

33 European countries
You can travel with an Interrail Global Pass, which is valid in 33 European countries, or pick one of the Interrail One Country Passes.

What does activating Interrail pass do?

You can change the trip your Pass is connected to up until you activate your Pass. Once your Pass is activated, you can’t disconnect a trip or connect a different trip.

Can I give my Interrail pass to someone else?

You can indeed purchase the Pass for someone else. Just make sure to fill out the personal information (such as passport number) of your brother when you make the order.

How long is an Interrail pass valid for?

Interrail Global Passes valid for 15 days, 22 days or 1 month are Continuous Passes. Continuous Passes can be used on unlimited valid services (every day) during the period in which the Pass is valid. Interrail Global Passes valid for 5 or 10 days within a longer period of time are Flexi Passes.

Where is my Interrail pass number?

You’ll find your Pass cover number on the back of your Pass cover, above the QR code. Bought your Pass in 2020? Open up your paper Pass cover fully and you’ll find your Pass cover on the right side, just below where your Pass is stapled and above the control area.

What is the 7pm rule?

The old 7pm rule obliges a customer to fill in the date of arrival if he boards a direct overnight train after 19:00h (7pm), provided the train arrives at its final destination after 04:00h (4am). From 1st Jan 2019, customers will enter the date of departure in the calendar box for all trains.

Can you sleep on Interrail trains?

If you book a bed (sleeper or couchette), a sheet, blanket and pillow are usually provided. Please note: If you cross a border on a night train, you will probably be asked to hand your Interrail Pass and passport to the train conductor. This way, the border crossing security checks can happen while you sleep.

How long are Interrail passes valid for?

How much is interrailing for a month?

Interrailing Global Pass prices 2022

Interrail Global Pass Second Class Youth ticket (Age 12-27) First Class Youth ticket (Age 12-27)
4 days in 1 month £157 £209
5 days in 1 month £180 £240
7 days in 1 month £213 £285
10 days in 2 months £256 £341

Do I need a visa for Interrail?

You don’t need a visa if you visit as a tourist and stay for up to 90 days within a 180-day period, and the same counts for Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein. This rule only applies to short trips as a tourist.

What is the difference between Eurail and Interrail?

Eurail and InterRail are both rail passes, and while they are similar there is one critical difference – who can buy them. Eurail Passes are only for non-European citizens or residents. InterRail Passes are only for European citizens or residents.