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How deep should a utility pole be buried?

How deep should a utility pole be buried?

Calculating the Depth of the Pole Poles are typically set into the ground: 10% of the overall height + 2 feet, except in questionable soil conditions. Example: Overall pole height: 30 feet, the pole should be buried: 3 feet + 2 feet = 5 feet below grade, and 25 feet above grade.

What is an Osmose pole?

Osmose pole inspection programs allow you to better manage the critical factors that determine pole performance – strength, load, and cost. The keys to a successful wood utility pole inspection program are: Identifying decay & measuring defects.

What is the lifespan of a utility pole?

Most power poles are much older than their useful life expectancy, which is likely somewhere around 50 to 60 years. But some of them are much older. Metal and concrete poles can last much longer than wood, but eventually all utility poles need to be replaced.

What are the different types of utility poles?

Types of utility poles used in overhead lines

  • According to Pole materials, there are 3 types: wooden utility poles, steel utility poles and concrete utility poles.
  • According to applications, there are also 3 types: transmission poles, distribution poles and light poles.

How deep should a 15 foot pole be in the ground?

In general, holes should be at least 3 feet deep for posts that extend 8 feet or more above ground level. Posts that extend 6 feet above ground level should have holes at least 2 1/2 feet deep.

How deep should a 20 foot post be in the ground?

The general rule of thumb when setting a post is that the depth of the post’s hole needs to be one-third to one-half of the actual above-ground height of the post. So, a six-foot-high finished post ideally needs to be buried three feet into the ground.

What is pole restoration?

Pole Restoration – Trusses & Banding. Osmose pole restoration products are designed to restore poles weakened by decay or other damage so that they meet or exceed NESC, GO95, or other structural strength requirements. Osmose trussing systems have been extensively tested and proven throughout their 50-year history.

What does the company Osmose do?

We are field technicians, professional engineers, wood scientists, and corrosion experts, leveraging more than 80 years of expertise to identify and solve structural issues that impact your asset health, system resiliency, and help you meet your commitment to provide safe, reliable, affordable service.

What do they spray on telephone poles?

Chemical treating of wood poles is one of the last remaining uses of penta and creosote – 43% of all poles are treated with penta; 42% of all poles are treated with arsenic; and 13% are still treated with creosote. The use of penta is prohibited in 26 countries around the world, but not in the United States.

How long do creosote poles last?

40 years
Creosote is an excellent wood preservative, typically giving a pole life of 40 years or more.

Why do telephone poles not rot?

In order to last for decades after they are sunk into the ground, wood utility poles need preservatives that fend off termites, fungi, and the elements. Not many chemicals are up to the challenge. About half the wood poles in the US are treated with pentachlorophenol, known as “penta” in the trade.

What are the parts of a utility pole?

When you look at the power poles in your neighborhood, you’re likely going to see a combination of the following:

  • Primary wires.
  • Insulators.
  • Crossarm.
  • Lightning arresters.
  • Pole ground wire.
  • Transformer.
  • Neutral line.
  • Secondary service drop.

What does Osmose do for pole and line?

Pole & Line Products. Osmose develops and sells a variety of products designed to protect, preserve, repair, and restore your T&D structures and their attachments. As the world’s leading developer of wood preservatives designed for in-service poles, Osmose has established R&D priorities intended to maintain efficacy against decay

Why Osmose trusses?

Osmose truss systems restore in excess of the required strength in the groundline section of a pole for a fraction of the cost of pole replacement. In suburban or urban locales, the savings may be very significant.

Does Osmose offer pneumatic or manual installation?

Osmose offers both a pneumatic and a manual installation system. For more information on trusses, banding, and installation equipment, please call 770.632.6700 (option 3) or email [email protected] . For more information on comprehensive pole restoration services offered by Osmose, please click here.

Who conducts the test for Osmose?

Tests have been conducted by Osmose, independent laboratories, and pole owners in the United States and other countries. Pole restoration is often one-fourth or less of the cost of pole replacement.