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How can we declare a stored procedure as temporary?

How can we declare a stored procedure as temporary?

There are two kinds of temporary Stored Procedures, local and global. Temporary Stored Procedures are created just like any other SP but the name must be prefixed with a hash (#) for a local temporary SP and two hashes (##) for a global temporary Stored Procedure.

What is ## temp in SQL?

#temp tables are available ONLY to the session that created it and are dropped when the session is closed. ##temp tables (global) are available to ALL sessions, but are still dropped when the session that created it is closed and all other references to them are closed.

Can we use temp table in stored procedure SQL Server?

Stored procedures can reference temporary tables that are created during the current session. Within a stored procedure, you cannot create a temporary table, drop it, and then create a new temporary table with the same name.

Is like in SQL case sensitive?

LIKE performs case-insensitive substring matches if the collation for the expression and pattern is case-insensitive.

Is like SQL Server?

The SQL Server LIKE is a logical operator that determines if a character string matches a specified pattern. A pattern may include regular characters and wildcard characters. The LIKE operator is used in the WHERE clause of the SELECT , UPDATE , and DELETE statements to filter rows based on pattern matching.

What is a temporary procedure?

Temporary stored procedures are like normal stored procedures but, as their name suggests, have fleeting existence. There are two kinds of temporary stored procedures local and global.

What is set Nocount on in SQL?

SET NOCOUNT ON prevents the sending of DONEINPROC messages to the client for each statement in a stored procedure.

What is #table and ## table in SQL?

#table refers to a local temporary table – visible to only the user who created it. ##table refers to a global temporary table – visible to all users.

How do I find temp tables in SQL Server?

Now, to see where this table exists; go to “Object Explorer -> Databases -> System Databases-> tempdb -> Temporary Tables”. You will see your temporary table name along with the identifier.

What is temp table and TEMP variable in SQL?

Table name. The Name of a temp variable can have a maximum of 128 characters and a Temp Table can have 116 characters. Constraint. Temp Tables and Temp Variables both support unique key, primary key, check constraints, Not null and default constraints but a Temp Variable doesn’t support Foreign Keys.

How do I view a temp table in SQL?

The name of a temporary table must start with a hash (#). Now, to see where this table exists; go to “Object Explorer -> Databases -> System Databases-> tempdb -> Temporary Tables”. You will see your temporary table name along with the identifier.