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How can I use keyboard in PES?

How can I use keyboard in PES?

Yes. While the controls for PC version of PES are based on the Xbox 360® controller, you can use a keyboard to play the game. Head to the ‘settings’ section in your CD’s Autoplay menu before running PES and you can see which keys are used for which function. You can also reconfigure your controls from here.

What are the controls in PES?


Action PS4 (Standard) Xbox One (Alternate)
Through ball Y
Special controls R2 RB
Manual controls L2 LT
Super cancel (cancel action) R1 + R2 RB + RT

How do I use keyboard controls in BlueStacks?

Controls Editor

  1. Start the game and press CTRL+ Shift +A or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar to open Advanced Game Controls menu.
  2. From this menu, drag and drop the controls at the appropriate coordinates on the game screen.

Can you make PES controls like FIFA?

Fortunately, you can customise your PES controls to match your FIFA preferences – whether you play on classic or alternate. The biggest one for me was switching the sprint button (seriously Konami, nobody runs with R1), and switching the button to jockey opponents.

How do you sprint in PES PC?

Press to pressure a player who is on the ball. By pressing both and , you can make your player sprint as he closes in on his opponent.

How do I change controls in PES?

Head to the ‘settings’ section in your CD’s Autoplay menu before running PES and you can see which keys are used for which functions. You can reconfigure your controls from here. If you are not familiar with what each button on the controller does in game, please refer to your game manual.

How do you control FF on PC?

How can I create/edit controls for Free Fire?

  1. Click on the “Game controls” icon on the Side toolbar.
  2. This will open the “Controls editor” window next to BlueStacks.
  3. To edit an existing control key, hover your cursor on that key.

How do you run on PES?

PASS & MOVE Press just as the player is about to pass the ball if you want him to start a run as soon as he gets rid of the ball.