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How can I get help paying my bills in Alabama?

How can I get help paying my bills in Alabama?

You can apply for assistance from Project SHARE at your local Salvation Army office or by calling 205-328-2420. You can help your neighbors by supporting Project SHARE. Donate via your Alabama Power online account or at the Salvation Army Project Share website.

What is Alabama Power’s phone number?

(800) 245 2244Alabama Power / Customer service

How do I pay my Alabama Power bill over the phone?

Pay by Phone Our Customer Service team can assist you with payments and questions at 1-800-245-2244.

What is the electric company for Mobile Alabama?

Residential Power Company | Alabama Power.

How much does welfare pay in Alabama?

Alabama pays a maximum of $215 a month to a family of three — one of the lowest TANF benefits in the nation. In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Alabama issued an “Emergency Health Preparedness Allowance” of $400 a month for three months to all TANF families, nearly double the amount of the maximum benefit alone.

What is Entergy customer service number?

(800) 368-3749Entergy / Customer service

How do I talk to a live person at Alabama Power?

Customers can always reach Alabama Power customer service around the clock at 800-245-2244, and are encouraged to call first if they have immediate or pressing needs. Those wishing to report a dangerous condition can call 800-888-2726.

How can I check my electricity bill?

KPLC bill query via SMS – check KPLC bill via text

  1. Send your message to the KPLC bill inquiry number 95551.
  2. In a few seconds, you will receive a message containing your current electricity bill and account details.
  3. Besides text, you can also engage with the new Kenya Power contact centre by dialling 97771.

Who owns Alabama Power?

Southern Company
Mississippi PowerSOUTHERN POWER CO
Alabama Power/Parent organizations

How do I find my Alabama Power account number?

Contact us at 1-888-430-5787 Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm CST or reach out to us online. Please have your bill information (account number and access code found on your paper bill) on hand if needed.