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How are Hazaras treated in Iran?

How are Hazaras treated in Iran?

In Iran, many Hazaras have no papers but their distinctive looks mean they live under threat of deportation and risk being hassled by police for bribes, Husseini said. Many work in places like brick factories in the suburbs of Tehran, where families are completely dependent on their bosses, he said.

What race is Hazara?

The Hazaras are said to be of Mongolian and Central Asian descent, and the descendants of Mongolian leader Genghis Khan, who invaded Afghanistan in the 13th Century. They are mostly based in the mountainous area of central Afghanistan known as ‘Hazaristan’, or the land of the Hazaras.

Why did the Pashtun persecute the Hazara?

The Hazaras have long been the subjects of persecution by both states and non-state militant groups….Mazar-i-Sharif.

Mazar-i-Sharif Anti-Hazara massacre
Deaths 2,000 to 20,000
Perpetrators The Taliban
Motive Anti-Hazara sentiment, Pashtun nationalism, Anti-Shia sentiment, Jihadism, revenge for massacre of Taliban POWs

Is Afghanistan allies with Iran?

Afghanistan and Iran are major trading partners since they share an extensive border region.

Are Hazara Turkish?

The Hazara are an Afghan ethnic minority group of mixed Persian, Mongolian, and Turkic ancestry. Persistant rumors hold that they are descended from Genghis Khan’s army, members of which mixed with the local Persian and Turkic people. They may be remnants of the troops that carried out the Siege of Bamiyan in 1221.

Is Hassan a Hazara?

Hassan and Ali are a Hazara, an ethnic minority in Afghanistan. As an ethnic minority, The Hazaras were not allowed to attend school. Therefore, Hassan never learned to read. He also lived in the mud hut at the bottom of Amir’s garden which is different from Amir who lived in a luxurious home.

Are Hazaras Turkic?

Are Hazaras Shia or Sunni?

Hazaras predominantly practice Islam, mostly the Shi’a of the Twelver sect, with significant Sunni, some Isma’ili and Non-denominational Muslim minorities. The majority of Afghanistan’s population practice Sunni Islam; this may have contributed to the discrimination against them.