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How are ecosystem services applied to conservation?

How are ecosystem services applied to conservation?

The concept of ecosystem services (the provision of benefits by ecosystems for people, directly and indirectly) offers a framework for characterizing and communicating the numerous benefits of conservation for people, such as food provision, water purification, and flood mitigation [2], [6].

What are the 5 main ecosystem services?

Regulating services include pollination, decomposition, water purification, erosion and flood control, and carbon storage and climate regulation. As we interact and alter nature, the natural world has in turn altered us.

What are 4 types of ecosystem service examples?

There, ecosystem services are grouped into four broad categories: provisioning, such as the production of food and water; regulating, such as the control of climate and disease; supporting, such as nutrient cycles and oxygen production; and cultural, such as spiritual and recreational benefits.

What is ecosystem conservation?

Ecosystem conservation considers entire communities of species as well as their interactions with the physical environment and aims to develop integrated plans involving wildlife, physical resources, and sustainable use. Such an approach sometimes requires compromise between environmentalists and developers.

What are three examples of ecosystem services?

Examples of ecosystem services include products such as food and water, regulation of floods, soil erosion and disease outbreaks, and non-material benefits such as recreational and spiritual benefits in natural areas.

What are ecosystem services PDF?

Ecosystem services are the benefits provided to humans through the transformations of resources (or environmental assets, including land, water, vegetation and atmosphere) into a flow of essential goods and services e.g. clean air, water, and food (Constanza et al.

Why is ecosystem conservation important?

Healthy ecosystems clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients and provide us with food. They provide raw materials and resources for medicines and other purposes. They are at the foundation of all civilisation and sustain our economies.

What is ecosystem conservation and management?

Conservation of the ecosystem entails preservation and regulated utilization of the ecosystem. In the Tanzania forest policy, the objective of ecosystem conservation and management is stated as to ensure ecosystem stability through conservation of forest biodiversity, water catchments and soil fertility.

What is an ecosystem service example?

What are the benefits of ecosystem services?

Ecosystem services make human life possible by, for example, providing nutritious food and clean water, regulating disease and climate, supporting the pollination of crops and soil formation, and providing recreational, cultural and spiritual benefits.