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Does Vlad counter Yasuo?

Does Vlad counter Yasuo?

Vladimir wins against Yasuo 55.66% of the time which is 5.75% higher against Yasuo than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Vladimir wins against Yasuo 4.42% more often than would be expected.

How does Vlad top counter?

  1. 1.2k. Vladimir’s ultimate can be cured by buying a Quicksilver Sash.
  2. 931. Saving an Ignite against a Vladimir will significantly hinder his ability to sustain himself in a fight.
  3. 769. Do not clump against a Vladimir, so that he won’t be able to hit multiple people with his ultimate.
  4. 650. Vladimir’s early game is very weak.

Who hard counters Vlad?

The strongest counter would be Anivia, a hard to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 49.87% (Bad) and Play Rate of 1.28% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Vladimir, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.

Does Vlad counter Zed?

Zed Middle vs Vladimir Middle Build & Runes Zed wins against Vladimir 50.77% of the time which is 0.36% higher against Vladimir than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Zed wins against Vladimir 0.42% more often than would be expected.

Why is Vlad so strong?

In conclusion, Vladimir is extremely strong because of his great sustain in teamfights and his ability to constantly pump out damage with his E and Q. Also his flexibility when it comes to his core items helps Vladimir out in lane phase.

Who beats Vladimir mid?

Vladimir wins more against

Name Winrate
Vex Mid +4.0%
Irelia Mid +3.0%
Fizz Mid
Qiyana Mid

Who counters Sion?

The Best Sion Counter Picks in League of Legends for patch 12.10, Ranked Boost recommends these picks due to their win condition and abilities.

  • Vladimir. The Crimson Reaper.
  • C. Tryndamere. The Barbarian King.
  • C. The Fist of Shadow.

Why is Protobelt good on Vladimir?

Hextech Protobelt-01 is probably the most powerful item for Vladimir. It offers AP, HP, cooldown reduction, and its active not only offers him extra damage, but more importantly, a small dash, which is very important, because Vladimir is naturally slow and lacks mobility oriented spells.

Is Vladimir late game?

Regardless, Vladimir is a powerful champion with distinct strengths. He can fit into nearly any team composition and has a legacy of being a reliable late-game carry. He’s playable in the top and mid lanes, but also in the bottom lane for those more adventurous.

Who is Teemo counter?

The best champions that counter Teemo are Yorick, Yasuo, Malphite, Shen and Irelia. You can find all the matchup tips we use in this guide on the Mobalytics App. For plus members, you can get specific matchup tips for the champion you’re playing versus the enemy laner at your fingertips while you load into the game.

Who is counter Tryndamere?

The strongest counter would be Talon, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.7% (Average) and Play Rate of 2.17% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Tryndamere, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.