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Does UCLA have summer session?

Does UCLA have summer session?

UCLA’s signature summer offering. Choose from over 800 in person courses that represent UCLA’s academic breadth, ranging from 6-10 weeks. Over 10,000 UCLA students and thousands of visiting students from across the United States and the world take Summer Courses each year.

Is UCLA Law school hard to get into?

Since 2010, UCLA Law’s acceptance rate has danced between 20 and 30 percent. In 2011, the school’s acceptance rate stood at 20 percent. In 2019, the rate is 29.73 percent, a much friendlier figure.

What is the acceptance rate for UCLA Law school?

20% (2011)UCLA School of Law / Acceptance rate

How many summer classes can I take at UCLA?

Non-UCLA students may enroll in up to 18 units per summer. Non-UCLA students who wish to enroll in more than 18 units may submit a Student Update Form to [email protected]. High school students may not exceed 10 units per session* (approximately two courses).

When can I enroll in summer classes UCLA?

February 1
Current and incoming UCLA students may enroll directly on MyUCLA starting February 1. Non-UCLA students must be 15 years of age or older by June 20, 2022 to be eligible. Course-specific requirements may apply. Students may register and enroll with the following steps.

What GPA do I need for UCLA Law?

Admissions Statistics

Admissions Statistics 2020 2017
LSAT Score (Median) 168 166
LSAT Score (25th-75th percentile) 165-169 162-169
GPA (Median) 3.72 3.68
GPA Range (25th-75th percentile) 3.52-3.85 3.51-3.86

What GPA do you need for UCLA Law?

The average age of class members is 24. Their median college GPA of 3.79 is tied for the highest in UCLA Law history, and their median LSAT score of 168 maintains the record high that was set a year ago. The 25th percentile GPA is 3.51, and the 75th percentile is 3.89.

How much do UCLA Law graduates make?

UCLA Law is tied for #1 in terms of the median starting salary among graduates working in private practice as law firm associates ($180,000). UCLA Law is tied for #12 in terms of the median LSAT score (168) among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students.

When can you enroll in summer sessions UCLA?

Visiting Students Course-specific requirements may apply. Students may register and enroll with the following steps. Access the Summer Courses Registration Form starting February 15. This form applies to non-UCLA students interested in taking Summer Courses, Summer Online, or Summer Intensives.

Is UCLA a good school for law?

UCLA is the highest ranked law school in Southern California, placing 15th in the most recent U.S. News & World Report ranking.