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Does the pagan religion celebrate Christmas?

Does the pagan religion celebrate Christmas?

Pagans do not celebrate Christmas, they celebrate Yule. Winter Solstice celebrations occurred in many cultures all over the world. They predate Christmas. Winter Solstice celebrations have been observed as early as the Neolithic period (the end of the Stone Age), beginning at around 10,200 BC.

What does paganism have to do with Christmas?

As for the cultural celebration of Christmas, there are a number of callbacks to pagan traditions. While the Christmas tree first popped up in 17th-century Germany, the concept derives from the pagan practice of decorating inside homes with greenery during the winter.

What is Christmas called in paganism?


Hauling a Yule log in 1832
Also called Yuletide, Yulefest
Type Cultural, Germanic Pagan then Christian, secular, contemporary Pagan
Date December 21 – January 1
Frequency Annual

Which pagan god is celebrated on Christmas?

In Germany, people honored the pagan god Oden during the mid-winter holiday. Germans were terrified of Oden, as they believed he made nocturnal flights through the sky to observe his people, and then decide who would prosper or perish. Because of his presence, many people chose to stay inside.

Was December 25th a pagan holiday?

December 25th was always a Pagan Holiday Called, “Saturnalia” For literally thousands of years before Christians claimed ownership of December 25th, it was a Pagan holiday celebrating the birth of the Sun God, Sol Invictus which concluded their annual winter festival of Saturnalia.

What holidays are actually pagan?

7 Pagan Festivals We Still Celebrate Today

  • Christmas.
  • New Year’s Day.
  • Easter.
  • The Roman version of Halloween.
  • May 1st – Labor Day.
  • Epiphany or Three Kings Day.
  • Saint John’s Eve.

Is Dec 25th a pagan holiday?

Is Christmas pagan in origin?

Keep reading and you’ll find that Christmas is inspired by traditions from the Romans, Celtics, Norse, Druids, and more (all pagan). At the time, all of these different groups shared one big celebration that just hapened to fall around Christmas time – the winter solstice.

Why Christmas trees are pagan?

Christmas trees did begin as a pagan tradition as early as the fourth century C.E., according to ABC News. European pagans were largely responsible for dressing their homes with the branches of evergreen fir trees in order to bring color and light into their dull winters.

Is Santa Claus pagan?

The modern Santa Claus is a direct descendent of England’s Father Christmas, who was not originally a gift-giver. However, Father Christmas and his other European variations are modern incarnations of old pagan ideas about spirits who traveled the sky in midwinter, Hutton said.

Who are the Vainakhs?

The Vainakh people of the North Caucasus ( Chechens and Ingush) were Islamised comparatively late, during the early modern period, and Amjad Jaimoukha (2005) proposes to reconstruct some of the elements of their pre-Islamic religion and mythology, including traces of ancestor worship and funerary cults.

Did Christianity borrow its candle-lighting traditions from paganism?

However, Christianity may not have borrowed all its candle lighting traditions from paganism. Many of the first Christians were Jewish, and midwinter is the time of the eight-day long Jewish festival of Hanukkah when celebrants light a candle every day.

Why are there so many pagan traditions of Christmas?

The reason for this is that many Christmas practices are much older than Christ’s Mass itself, dating back to much older religious traditions and gods. Some of these traditions can be easily traced back to their origins, while the exact roots of others have become lost in time. Here are just sixteen of the pagan traditions of Christmas.

Is Christmas a hangover from pagan midwinter celebrations?

Christmas Feasting and overindulgence was a Hangover from Pagan Midwinter Celebrations. During Advent and up until Christmas Eve, Christians would fast as they prepared for the nativity. However, once Christmas day arrived, they made up for frugality with indulgence and excess.