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Does spina bifida shorten life span?

Does spina bifida shorten life span?

With increased research and development in the field, 75% of children who were born with an advanced version of this disability can survive early adulthood and can continue to live for many decades. However, they required ongoing supportive care in order to thrive.

How old is the oldest person with spina bifida?

Oldest person living with Spina Bifida turns 90! Albert De Greve was born with a low lesion Spina Bifida in Zelzate, Belgium on 13 March 1923. During his adult life he worked as a tailor in his family’s business, riding his bike to work. Nowadays, Albert lives in a retirement home in Sint-Niklaas (B).

Can a person with spina bifida live a normal life?

“Most do well in school, and many play in sports. Because of today’s medicine, about 90% of babies born with Spina Bifida now live to be adults, about 80% have normal intelligence and about 75% play sports and do other fun activities.”

Does spina bifida cause early death?

Spina Bifida is a birth defect with a myriad of medical issues associated with it but it is not what causes someone born with it to die. It’s possible, and likely, that one of any of the known medical issues associated with it can and does cause an unexpected death.

Was spina bifida a death sentence?

It’s not a death sentence. With proper medical care, over 90 percent of people with spina bifida live well into adulthood.

Can spina bifida affect you later in life?

People with spina bifida experience the usual manifestations of age, but since spina bifida puts pressure on many body systems, age-related declines in affected areas may occur sooner or be more severe. Shunt failure happens to adults, even those whose shunts have not been working for years.

What causes spina bifida pregnancy?

Doctors aren’t certain what causes spina bifida. It’s thought to result from a combination of genetic, nutritional and environmental risk factors, such as a family history of neural tube defects and folate (vitamin B-9) deficiency.

What are the chances of getting spina bifida?

What are the chances of my baby having spina bifida? It affects approximately 1,500 pregnancies each year. Although the occurrences appear to be decreasing, the birth defect occurs in approximately 7 of out every 10,000 live births in the United States.

What is the prognosis for spina bifida?

What is the prognosis of spina bifida? As mentioned several times in the article, the prognosis depends on the severity and number of abnormalities. Prognosis is the poorest for those with complete paralysis, hydrocephalus, and other congenital defects, while with proper care, most children with spina bifida live well into adulthood.

What are the long term effects of spina bifida?

back pain

  • leg weakness
  • pain in the back of the legs
  • loss of bladder or bowel control
  • scoliosis,or a curving of the spine
  • numbness in the back or legs
  • misshapen legs and feet
  • How old is the oldest living person with spina bifida?

    Oldest person living with Spina Bifida turns 90! Albert De Greve was born with a low lesion Spina Bifida in Zelzate, Belgium on 13 March 1923. During his adult life he worked as a tailor in his family’s business, riding his bike to work. Nowadays, Albert lives in a retirement home in Sint-Niklaas (B). He is well taken care of and he is very