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Does SATCOM use UHF?

Does SATCOM use UHF?

Narrowband satellite communications (SATCOM) in the ultra high frequency (UHF) band is an attractive option within the military SATCOM (MILSATCOM) community.


The UHF SATCOM receiving set is the UHF component of the High Speed Fleet Broadcast (HSFB) and is used to receive the downlink Fleet Broadcast signal and demultiplex it into the different Fleet Broadcast baseband circuits.

Why do we need 30 MHz for space communication?

Below 30 MHz, the ionosphere, at altitudes from around 100 to 500 km, absorbs and reflects signals. Above 30 GHz, the lower atmosphere or troposphere, below 10 km, absorbs radio signals due to oxygen and water vapour. Even between 20 and 30 GHz, there are some absorption bands that must be avoided.

How do Satcom antennas work?

Antennas affixed to satellites are, by necessity, used for both receiving and sending signals. Antennas on the satellite receive signals uplinked (transmitted) from various sources on Earth. The signals are then processed by a transponder and sent back to the earth station for redistribution.

What is SATCOM used for?

Satcom refers to the voice and data service that allows an aircraft to communicate, via satellite, with air traffic control and its airline operations centre when outside coverage of conventional ground radar and Very High Frequency (VHF) stations.

What radio frequency is NASA?

Radio frequency communications for spacecraft are conducted between 30 MHz and 60 GHz. The lower frequency bands are typically more mature for SmallSat usage, however extensive use of these bands has led to crowding and challenges acquiring licensing.

What frequencies are used in space?

A very popular frequency for many amateur satellites is 145.825 MHz. ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station) typically uses frequencies in the 144 – 146 band….RADIO FREQUENCIES FOR SPACE COMMUNICATION.

Band Uplink Frequency (MHz) Downlink Frequency (MHz)
S 2110 – 2120 2290 – 2300
X 7145 – 7190 8400 -8450
Ka 34200 – 34700 31800 – 32300