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Does electron transport happen in bacteria?

Does electron transport happen in bacteria?

The electron transport chains of bacteria (prokaryotes) operate in plasma membrane (mitochondria are absent in prokaryotes). Some bacterial electron transport chains resemble the mitochondrial electron transport chain.

What is the electron transport chain in bacteria?

In bacteria, the electron transport chain can vary between species but it always constitutes a set of redox reactions that are coupled to the synthesis of ATP through the generation of an electrochemical gradient and oxidative phosphorylation through ATP synthase.

What happens during the process of photosynthetic electron transport?

Photosynthetic electron transport converts free and abundant solar energy into reducing power and chemical energy for producing biomass and biofuels through transferring electrons sequentially from H2O through Photosystem II and then Photosystem I to NADP+ in chloroplasts of higher plants and photosynthetic algae or in …

What is photosynthetic electron transport?

The photosynthetic electron transport chain consists of photosystem II, the cytochrome b6f complex, photosystem I, and the free electron carriers plastoquinone and plastocyanin.

How does electron transport happen during cellular respiration in bacteria?

The electron transport chain places hydrogen ions generated by glycolysis (which is the first step in breaking down glucose to obtain energy through cellular respiration in bacteria – pyruvate is the product of glycolysis) and the Krebs cycle (which is also known as the citric acid cycle and is the second preparatory …

Where is the ETC or ETS located in bacteria?

cytoplasmic membrane
The ETS is embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane of prokaryotes and the inner mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotes.

How does the electron transport chain function to produce ATP in a bacterial cell?

The process of forming ATP from the electron transport chain is known as oxidative phosphorylation. Electrons carried by NADH + H+ and FADH2 are transferred to oxygen via a series of electron carriers, and ATPs are formed. Three ATPs are formed from each NADH + H+, and two ATPs are formed for each FADH2 in eukaryotes.

Where is the photosynthetic electron transport chain located in chloroplasts?

The electron-transport system in chloroplasts resides in the thylakoid membrane.

Where do light-dependent reactions occur in photosynthetic prokaryotes?

The two parts of photosynthesis—the light-dependent reactions and the Calvin cycle—have been described, as they take place in chloroplasts.

Where does photosynthetic electron transport take place?

and Karp to outline the steps in the electron transport process that occurs in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts during photosynthesis. Both Photosystems I and II are utilized to split water to get electrons.

Can bacteria carry out photosynthesis?

Yes, photosynthesis occurs in some bacteria, e.g. purple and green-sulphur bacteria and cyanobacteria. Photosynthetic pigments are present in the membrane infoldings of bacteria as they lack chloroplasts. Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae contain chlorophyll and can carry out oxygenic photosynthesis like plants.

Where is the electron transport chain located in bacterial cells?

The electron transport chain is a series of proteins and organic molecules found in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.