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Does Chondrichthyes have exoskeleton?

Does Chondrichthyes have exoskeleton?

Chondrichthyes is a class of jawed fishes having a cartilaginous skeleton.

Which kind of endoskeleton is found in Chondrichthyes?

The Chondrichthyan Endoskeleton The adult endoskeleton of chondrichthyans is distinct from that of most other jawed vertebrates, in that it is composed almost entirely of hyaline cartilage.

Do Chondrichthyes have covered gills?

Chondrichthyes. Chondrichthyes Class of vertebrate animals characterized by a cartilaginous endoskeleton, a skin covered by placoid scales, the structure of their fin rays, and the absence of a bony operculum (see GILL COVER), lungs, and swim-bladder.

How do Chondrichthyes protect themselves?

Rays defend themselves using the stinging barb on their tail as a weapon against predators.

What skin or body covering do Chondrichthyes have?

dermal denticles
Body covering Chondrichthyans have tooth-like scales called dermal denticles or placoid scales. Denticles usually provide protection, and in most cases, streamlining. Mucous glands exist in some species, as well.

What are the skeletons of Chondrichthyes made of?

Members of the Chondrichthyes all lack true bone and have a skeleton made of cartilage (the flexible material you can feel in your nose and ears). Only their teeth, and sometimes their vertebrae, are calcified; this calcified cartilage has a different structure from that of true bone.

Which animal is endoskeleton cartilaginous?

Hence, endoskeleton is cartilaginous in Elasmobranchii. So, the correct answer is ‘Elasmobranchii’.

What animals have a endoskeleton?

Mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians are vertebrates with endoskeletons (skeletons inside their bodies). Their skeletons provide support and protection and help them to move. Insects, spiders and shellfish are some of the invertebrates that have exoskeletons.

What body covering do Osteichthyes have?

bony scales
Osteichthyes The class of vertebrates comprising the bony fishes – marine and freshwater fish with a bony skeleton. All have gills covered with a bony operculum, and a layer of thin overlapping bony scales covers the entire body surface.

What is unique about Chondrichthyes?

The species in this class have a flexible skeleton made of cartilage instead of bone. Cartilage is the flexible substance found that gives human noses and ears their shape! Only their teeth, and sometimes their vertebrae, have calcium in them!

What type of scales does class Chondrichthyes have?

Chondrichthyes have toothlike scales called denticles/placoid scales. Denticles provide two functions, protection, and in most cases streamlining.

What is cartilaginous skeleton?

(skĕl′ĭ-tn) n. 1. a. The internal structure that protects and supports the soft organs, tissues, and other parts of a vertebrate organism, and is composed of bone and cartilage or, in certain animals, cartilage alone.