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Do I need commit in procedure Oracle?

Do I need commit in procedure Oracle?

If you call a procedure interactively, you will have to explicitly commit or rollback the transaction because Oracle has no idea if you intend the procedure call to be a logical transaction or if you intend to compose a larger transaction involving multiple procedure calls.

Is commit performed automatically?

Auto-commit mode means that when a statement is completed, the method commit is called on that statement automatically. Auto-commit in effect makes every SQL statement a transaction. The commit occurs when the statement completes or the next statement is executed, whichever comes first.

Does PL SQL Auto commit?

In the PL/SQL Developer client, you control the autocommit of SQL Window transactions via Preferences.

Can we write commit in function or trigger or procedure in Oracle?

Yes, you can commit inside the trigger. But for this you have to make this trigger transaction to be an Independent transaction from its parent transaction, you can do this by using Pragma. Pragma AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION allow you to build the Independent (child) Transaction, started by another.

Can I ROLLBACK after commit?

After you commit the transaction, the changes are visible to other users’ statements that execute after the commit. You can roll back (undo) any changes made during the transaction with the ROLLBACK statement (see ROLLBACK.

When should we use commit?

Use the COMMIT statement to end your current transaction and make permanent all changes performed in the transaction. A transaction is a sequence of SQL statements that Oracle Database treats as a single unit. This statement also erases all savepoints in the transaction and releases transaction locks.

What is the function of autocommit?

Definition and Usage The autocommit() / mysqli_autocommit() function turns on or off auto-committing database modifications. Tip: Also look at the commit() function, which commits the current transaction for the specified database connection, and the rollback() function, which rolls back the current transaction.

Is commit required after delete in Oracle?

DELETE requires a COMMIT, but TRUNCATE does not.

Is execute immediate in Oracle autocommit?

in general , EXECUTE IMMEDIATE does not auto commit anything, except you do some ddl-statements in it.

Can we write commit in function or trigger or procedure?