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Can you post a photo in comments on Facebook?

Can you post a photo in comments on Facebook?

The ability to use a photo in a comment was only added to the Web site, and mobile Web site. In order to post a photo comment on Facebook from your smartphone, you simply need to visit using your mobile browser. The mobile site will work on basically any platform, it’s not just limited to iOS or Android.

How do you attach a document to a Facebook comment?

Click at the right of the comments section of a post. Select a file, then press Enter.

Can I add a PDF to a Facebook comment?

At the top of the group page, there’s a box where you can write a post. Either drag and drop your PDF into this box, or click “More” at the top and select “Add File.” 3. Browse through your computer for the PDF you want and upload it, add any text that you want to accompany the file, and then click “Post.”

How do I attach a Word document to a Facebook message?

  1. Log in to your Facebook account and click on the “Messages” button. Click the “Send a New Message” link.
  2. Enter your message details.
  3. Click the “Attach a file” button; it looks like a paperclip.
  4. Repeat this process for any additional documents you want to attach.

How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2020?

Select “Photo/Video” from the menu. When your phone’s photo library opens, select the thumbnail of the photo you want to use and tap the Done button at the top. Once you have confirmed that this is the correct image, tap the Save button to update the post with the new picture.

Why can’t I post a PDF on Facebook?

Facebook does allow its user to attach and upload PDF files to posts, but there’s a catch: The feature isn’t available on your personal profile page. Instead, you can only use it on business pages and groups.

How do you add an attachment to Facebook?

Adding an Attachment to a Facebook Event

  1. Log into your Facebook page.
  2. Click the “Events” link, scroll to the event to add the attachment to, and click its title.
  3. Click the “Post Photos/Videos” link.
  4. Click the “Browse” button and browse to the item to attach.
  5. Click the “Post” button.

How do I edit a Facebook comment?

To edit your comment below a post:

  1. Tap the post containing your comment.
  2. Tap and hold the comment.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Make your changes and then tap Update.