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Can you merge shapefiles in ArcGIS?

Can you merge shapefiles in ArcGIS?

Note that it is only possible to merge shapefiles which contain the same data type i.e. merge points with points; polygons with polygons.

How do I merge my shapefiles?


  1. Click on the Vector menu, Data Management tools, Merge Shapefiles to One…
  2. Ensure the correct shapefile type is selected (points, lines, or polygons). Select the folder where the two (or more) shapefiles you want to merge are located using the Browse button.

Where is the merge tool in ArcGIS?

Data Management Toolbox
In ArcGIS and ArcGIS Pro, the Merge Tool is in the Data Management Toolbox and within the General Toolset. You can add your inputs and change your output feature class name. The field map option is to match all the corresponding fields, so they’ll be combined together after running the Merge Tool.

How do I merge in GIS?

Merge existing features

  1. On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Modify .
  2. Expand Construct and click Merge .
  3. Click the Existing Feature tab.
  4. Click Select.
  5. In the pane, add or remove features from the selection.
  6. Configure the attributes fields and field values for the merged feature.
  7. Click Merge.

What is the difference between union and merge in ArcGIS?

You can use the Merge command instead of Union if the selected features are all in the same layer and you want to combine them into a single feature and choose the resulting attributes. on the 3D Editor toolbar. Click the features you want to combine into one.

How do I combine two polygons in ArcGIS?


  1. Click the Edit tool. on the Editor toolbar.
  2. Click the features you want to merge. The features must be from the same layer.
  3. Click the Editor menu and click Merge.
  4. Click the feature that the features will be merged into and will supply the attributes for the merged feature.
  5. Click OK.

How do I combine polygons in ArcMap?

How do I combine multiple shapefiles into one ArcGIS Pro?

Answer: First, all the data have to be of the same type (e.g., polygon). Then you can use the Merge tool (ArcToolbox -> Data Management toolbox -> General toolset) to combines your multiple input datasets of the same data type into a single, new output dataset.

What is difference between Merge and join?

Both join and merge can be used to combines two dataframes but the join method combines two dataframes on the basis of their indexes whereas the merge method is more versatile and allows us to specify columns beside the index to join on for both dataframes.

How do I merge polygons from different layers in ArcGIS?

Combining features from different layers (Union)

  1. Click the Edit tool. on the Editor toolbar.
  2. Click the features you want to combine into one.
  3. Click the Editor menu and click Union.
  4. Choose the target in which the new feature will be created.
  5. Click OK.

How do I merge polygons in the same layer in ArcGIS?