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Can you get osteoporosis in your 20s?

Can you get osteoporosis in your 20s?

While osteoporosis is most common in older people, it sometimes affects young people, including premenopausal women in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

What causes osteoporosis in 20s?

What leads to low bone density in younger women? There are a couple different culprits of bone loss and low bone density for those in their 20s and 30s. “Smoking is really bad for bone, as is excess alcohol and certain medications like antiseizure medications. And steroids are the worst,” Carkin says.

How can I prevent osteoporosis in my twenties?

Women in their 20s should:

  1. Avoid smoking.
  2. Exercise properly.
  3. Watch your weight.
  4. Consider a vitamin D supplement.
  5. Keep salt and caffeine in check.
  6. Limit drinking.
  7. Consider a calcium supplement.
  8. Learn your family history.

Can osteoporosis occur at 25?

Though osteoporosis among those younger than 50 is considered rare, a study conducted at the University of Arkansas found that it’s a greater risk than most women realize.

What are the warning signs of osteoporosis?


  • Back pain, caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra.
  • Loss of height over time.
  • A stooped posture.
  • A bone that breaks much more easily than expected.

How can I increase my bone density after 25?

Keep reading for tips on increasing bone density naturally.

  1. Weightlifting and strength training.
  2. Eating more vegetables.
  3. Consuming calcium throughout the day.
  4. Eating foods rich in vitamins D and K.
  5. Maintaining a healthy weight.
  6. Avoiding a low calorie diet.
  7. Eating more protein.
  8. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Can you live a long life with osteoporosis?

Many people can live well with osteoporosis and avoid breaking bones in the first place. But if you have had fractures, it’s important to learn about the steps you can take to maintain a good quality of life.

How early can osteoporosis start?

Osteoporosis can occur at any age, although the risk for developing the disease increases as you get older. For many women, the disease begins to develop a year or two before menopause. Other factors to consider include: Osteoporosis is most common in non-Hispanic white women and Asian women.

Can you live 20 years with osteoporosis?

But “you can live with osteoporosis for a long, long time and never have complications such as fractures — if you take certain precautions,” says Felicia Cosman, MD, osteoporosis expert and medical director of the clinical research center at Helen Hayes Hospital in West Haverstraw, N.Y.

What is the first stage of osteoporosis?

Osteopenia is when your bones are weaker than normal but not so far gone that they break easily, which is the hallmark of osteoporosis. Your bones are usually at their densest when you’re about 30. Osteopenia, if it happens at all, usually occurs after age 50.

Does osteoporosis shorten your life?

“Osteoporosis that leads to compression fractures will shorten your lifespan. Research clearly shows that people who fall and collapse a vertebra die sooner than people of the same age who do not have compression fractures,” says Isador H.

Can I reverse osteoporosis?

The short answer is no, osteoporosis cannot be completely reversed and is not considered curable, but there are a number of health and lifestyle adjustments you can make to improve bone loss. Your provider may also prescribe you medications to help rebuild and slow down bone loss.