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Can you fix a limit switch?

Can you fix a limit switch?

Yes, it’s possible to replace a furnace limit switch yourself. To do it, you’ll first need to use a multimeter to test the switch. If it’s faulty, you’ll also need a new switch that matches your old one. Here’s how to test the furnace limit switch and replace it if necessary.

How do I reset the limit switch on a Coleman furnace?

How to Reset a Coleman Furnace Limit Switch

  1. Open the cover of your circuit breaker box.
  2. Examine the furnace to locate the upper limit switch.
  3. Depress and release the red “Reset” button in the middle of the upper limit switch.
  4. Return to the circuit breaker box.

Can you run a furnace without a limit switch?

Without a functioning furnace limit switch, a furnace would not be able to regulate the temperature in conjunction with a thermostat. Typically, a furnace limit switch consists of an exterior plate and a temperature probe that lives inside the furnace housing.

Can you clean a limit switch?

Oil from your fingers can create a hotspot that will cause the sensor to crack. Clean the limit switch sensor using fine-grit sandpaper or a scouring pad. Avoid steel wool since that will scratch the sensor surface. Replace the high limit switch by screwing it back into the plenum and reconnecting the wires.

Where is the reset button located on a Coleman furnace?

Locate the manual reset switch near the left side of your furnace blower. Your Coleman furnace has an upper limit switch for manual reset and a lower limit switch for automatic reset.

How much does a limit switch cost?

You’ll need to get a limit switch from the same company that makes your furnace. This component could cost anywhere from $4 to $25, depending on your original equipment manufacturer.

What causes a furnace limit switch to trip?

If the air inside your furnace gets too hot, the limit switch trips to prevent overheating. If the furnace high limit switch trips due to overheating, there is likely an airflow issue that is preventing proper air movement through the system. Check your air filter, and replace it if dirty.

Why does my furnace limit switch keep tripping?