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Can you buy honor cords?

Can you buy honor cords?

Buy Honor Cords Online Our extensive selection of honor cords are available in your choice of solid colors or color combinations and are perfect for college and high school graduation cords. Our online graduation store provides customizable options for every graduation item and tassel decoration item you may need.

What honor cords can you get for high school graduation?

Three Latin graduation cords variations To achieve this Honor, the graduate must have a 3.5 GPA. Magna Cum Laude: This one translates to “With Great Honor”. Most colleges will need the graduate to have at least a 3.75 GPA to earn the distinction. Summa Cum Laude: It translates to “With Highest Honor”.

How much do honors cords cost?

Single Solid & Multi Color Honor Cords

50+ $2.60
100+ $2.45
300+ $2.25
500+ $1.65

Do you get a stole or cord for NHS?

All members who have been in NHS for at least one year are eligible to receive NHS cords or an NHS Stole; the color of the stole/cords will depend on the years of service and office held within NHS. Stoles and honorary cords will only be given to members who meet the criteria as described below.

How many honor cords can you wear?

The good news is that you don’t have to choose between a stole/sash and a cord(s); you can wear a cord and a stole/sash together and you can wear more than one cord. However, it’s not practical to wear more than one sash/stole, though some graduates may do it.

What does a gold cord mean at graduation?

Gold: This is the most popular cord color on graduation day. It can signify Latin honors for a high GPA, National Honor Society membership, and other academic honors.

Can I buy my own cords for graduation?

Each graduation honor cord and stole come in a variety of different sizes, lengths, colors, and custom printing options. Our graduation accessories may be bought individually or in bulk, with FREE ground shipping on orders over $49, and a 100% GUARANTEE on ALL of our products.

How much do NHS stoles cost?

Gold Two Side Embroidered Graduation Stole with Logo

Qty Discount Price Each
+20 $14.99
+50 $13.99
+100 $12.99
+500 $10.99

What GPA do you need to get a gold cord?

3.7-3.89 is Magna Cum Laude and wears one green and one gold honor cord (as a double cord), and 3.9-4.0 is Summa Cum Laude and is signified by the wearing of a double gold cord.

Can anyone wear graduation cords?

In many cases, clubs, student governments, school bands, sports teams, and social organizations allow all their members to wear cords at graduation. In contrast, academic honor cords are generally only worn by students who have won an award or achieved a specific grade point average.