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Are there beaches near Launceston?

Are there beaches near Launceston?

Greens Beach Located about 60kms of Launceston, the beach offers a scenic lookout and a crowd-pleasing spot for families. In addition to being a nice place to tip your toes in, Greens Beach also provides access to Narawntapu National Park.

What is the best beach in Tasmania?

10 Best Tasmania Beaches

  • 1- Bay of Fires.
  • 2- Adventure Bay, Bruny Island.
  • 3- Boat Harbour Beach.
  • 4- Fortescue Bay, Tasman Peninsula.
  • 5- Hopground Beach, Maria Island.
  • 6- Porky Beach, King Island.
  • 7- Trousers Point, Flinders Island.
  • 8- Sisters Beach.

Can you swim in Tasmania beaches?

So yes, people swim at the beach but the water is what I would call FREEZING from an adult view, it would have to be near 40dgs for me to swim in Tasmania.

Does Tasmania have nice beaches?

Being an island, Tasmania is not lacking coastline and, lucky for us all, plenty of the coastline is made up of absolutely top rate beaches. From the powder-white sand to the aqua water, the best beaches in Tasmania, Australia definitely do not disappoint.

What is the warmest place in Tasmania?

The highest recorded maximum temperature in Tasmania is 42.2 °C (108.0 °F) at Scamander on 30 January 2009, during the 2009 southeastern Australia heat wave. Tasmania’s lowest recorded minimum temperature is −14.2 °C (6.4 °F) on 7 August 2020, at Central Plateau.

Is it warm enough to swim in Tasmania?

During summer in Hobart, average temperatures range from 11.5 – 21°C (52.7 – 69.8°F). The months of January and February are also the driest, and beaches are warm enough to swim. Autumn has many calm, sunny days, with average temperatures between 8.9 – 17.3°C (48 – 63.1°F).

Is the water cold in Tasmania?

Tasmania’s water temperatures range from below 10 degrees in winter to the low 20s in summer. The east coast is warmer due to the influence of the East Australian Current.

Are there sharks in Tasmania?

Being an Island state and surrounded by cool water, one would be forgiven for thinking Tasmania would be too close to Antarctica to play host too many species of sharks, but if the truth be known, Tassie has one of the most prolific populations of sharks anywhere in the world.

Is Launceston warmer than Hobart?

Hobart is a bit cooler in Summer than Launceston and tends to have a nice breeze off the Derwent River. Both Launceston and Hobart can get temperatures in the 30s but mid to high 20s is more common.

How cold does it get in Launceston?

Winters are cool with minimum temperatures dropping below 2 °C (36 °F) an average of 61 days a year. The coldest month is July, with an average temperature range of 2.2 °C (36 °F) – 12.5 °C (55 °F). The lowest recorded minimum at Launceston’s current weather station, Ti Tree Bend was −5.2 °C (22.6 °F).

Can you swim at beach Hobart?

Kingston Beach, Western Shore One of the most popular beaches around Hobart, Kingston Beach’s calm waters are one of the best places for swimming.

Is Tasmania colder than Melbourne?

Melbourne does get hotter in Summer and not quite as cold in Winter but on average it is fairly similar I think. Tasmania can also be like Melbourne and have 4 seasons all in one day so it does pay to be prepared when going out.