Are empusa vampires?
They were companions of the goddess Hekate which followed her to earth from the depths of the underworld. The Empousai and Lamiai were the ancient equivalent of vampires and succubi–vampiric ghosts and demons.
Who is the Lamia?
Lamia, in Classical mythology, a female daemon who devoured children. The ancient commentaries on Aristophanes’ Peace say she was a queen of Libya who was beloved by Zeus. When Hera robbed her of her children from this union, Lamia killed every child she could get into her power.
What did empusa do?
According to Robert Graves, Empusa was a demigoddess, the beautiful daughter of the goddess Hecate and the spirit Mormo. She feasted on blood by seducing young men as they slept (see sleep paralysis), before drinking their blood and eating their flesh.
Is empusa a succubus?
Empusa – Hecate’s succubus He asked for a character based on the Greek mythical creature, the Empusa (or Empousa). The Empusa was originally a shapeshifter who served the goddess Hecate and later became something similar to a Succubus, thought to seduce and feed on young men.
What is a Lamia demon?
Lamia (/ˈleɪmiə/; Greek: Λάμια), in ancient Greek mythology, was a child-eating monster and, in later tradition, was regarded as a type of night-haunting spirit (daemon).
How was Lamia killed?
Lamia was a beautiful Libyan queen loved by Zeus. Thus, through no fault of her own, she incurred the wrath of Hera upon herself. Angry with Zeus’ interest for her, the goddess showed no mercy towards Lamia: every time the girl gave birth to a child, Hera either murdered it or made Lamia kill it herself.
What is the Typhon?
Typhon, also spelled Typhaon, or Typhoeus, in Greek mythology, youngest son of Gaea (Earth) and Tartarus (of the nether world). He was described as a grisly monster with a hundred dragons’ heads who was conquered and cast into the underworld by Zeus.
What is a Lamnia?
The “Lamia” was a bogeyman or bugbear term, invoked by a mother or a nanny to frighten children into good behavior. Such practices are recorded by the 1st century Diodorus, and other sources in antiquity. Numerous sources attest to the Lamia being a “child-devourer”, one of them being Horace.
Are Lamia and Naga the same?
The short answer is that a lamia is from the Greek mythology while a naga is from the Hindu mythology. There are deeper differences however. E.g. the Naga are often described as shapechangers while Lamia are part human, part snake. Also a Lamia is usually only female,while the naga can be both male or female.