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Is Aysel Islamic name?

Is Aysel Islamic name?

Aysel is a feminine Turkish given name popular in Turkey and Azerbaijan . In Turkish, “Aysel” means “a flood of moonlight”.

Is khizar a Muslim name?

Khizar is a Muslim Boy name which originates from the Arabic language. Acording to Numerology Predictions, lucky number for Khizar is 7. Khizar name meaning in english are Name Of A Legendary Prophet Who Is Supposedly Immortal.

What does Ayzel mean in Arabic?

Ayzel is an Islamic name. The Arabic and Islamic meaning of the name Ayzel is Gift from god.

Is Aizal an Arabic name?

Aizal is Arabic/Muslim Boy name and meaning of this name is “Gift of God”.

What is the meaning of Aizel?

Aizel is English Girl name and meaning of this name is “One who Brings Luck and Fortune”.

What is the meaning of Ayzal?

gift from God
Ayzal name meaning and origin Ayzal is a name that’s gaining in popularity for girls, but its origins remain mysterious. It has Arabic roots, and may mean “one who brings good fortune” or “gift from God.” However, there doesn’t seem to be a mention of Ayzal or a similar name in the Qur’an.

Who is Khidr in the Quran?

In various Islamic and non-Islamic traditions, Khidr is described as a messenger, prophet or wali, who guards the sea, teaches secret knowledge and aids those in distress. He prominently figures as patron of the Islamic saint ibn Arabi.

What is the meaning of humza?

lion, strong, steadfast
Meaning. lion, strong, steadfast. Other names. Variant form(s) Humza, Hamzah, Hamzeh, Hamsah.

What is the meaning of Miraal?

9. Miraal is Arabic/Muslim Girl name and meaning of this name is “Angel of Heaven, Reigning Queen”.

Is Ayzal a Quranic name?

Ayzal is a name that’s gaining in popularity for girls, but its origins remain mysterious. It has Arabic roots, and may mean “one who brings good fortune” or “gift from God.” However, there doesn’t seem to be a mention of Ayzal or a similar name in the Qur’an.

What is the meaning of Aizal?