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What was Bernard Williams known for?

What was Bernard Williams known for?

Sir Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, FBA (21 September 1929 – 10 June 2003) was an English moral philosopher. His publications include Problems of the Self (1973), Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy (1985), Shame and Necessity (1993), and Truth and Truthfulness (2002). He was knighted in 1999.

What did Bernard Williams believe?

He believed that, while there can be ethical truth, it is local and historically contingent and based on reasons deriving from people’s actual motives and practices, which are not timeless or universal.

How does Bernard Williams criticize Kant?

Abstract: Bernard Williams blames Kant’s morality for a crucial flaw in contemporary ethics. In Problems of the Self, he claims that British philosophers limit themselves to acknowledging emotions as a potentially destructive component for morality and consistency.

What are the main criticisms brought by Williams against utilitarianism?

Williams rejects the notions of utilitarianism because of its strong inclination to negative responsibility. In the case of Jim, we find that he feels sorrowful for either event that occurs. This shows that there is a problem defining integrity between a man’s projects and his actions.

What is the name of the person in Bernard Williams thought experiment who is on a botanical expedition in South America?

20th century British philosopher Bernard Williams offered this thought experiment: Jim is on a botanical expedition in South America when he happens upon a group of 20 indigenous people, and a group of soldiers.

What does Williams mean by the human prejudice?

Abstract. In “The Human Prejudice”, Bernard Williams discusses our treating human beings differently in our moral thinking from the ways we treat other creatures. He criticises the idea that this expresses a prejudice, speciesism, analogous to racism and sexism.

What is integrity according to Bernard Williams?

Integrity, according to Williams, requires being true to one’s commitments, and doing that is the result of consistent patterns of choices.

What is Bernard Williams integrity objection?

Most agents have a broad range of personal goals and projects. Bernard Williams’ integrity objection shows that since there can be no a priori guarantee that the utility principle will not at some time require an agent to act against any one of these projects, then utilitarianism must require agents to at least be …

What does Bernard Williams mean by projects?

Williams suggests that AU’s neglect of the moral significance of an agent’s own actions and projects is the result of the extreme form of impartiality that pervades AU, which assumes that moral considerations require a criterion of right action that all moral agents must satisfy in order to do what is morally right.

Which philosopher would treat the pleasure achieved by playing the killer in a video as equal to any other pleasure?

13Because “push pin is as good as poetry” Bentham would treat playing the killer in a video game in the same way as any other pleasure.

Is Bernard Williams a utilitarian?

In 1973 Williams also brought out a co-authored volume, Utilitarianism: For and Against, with J.J.C. Smart (= UFA); his contribution to this (the Against bit) being, in the present writer’s view, a tour de force of philosophical demolition. Then in 1978 Williams produced Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry.

What did Aristotle say about stealing?

Aristotle’s virtue theory According to Aristotle, stealing is an injustice because it deprives a person what is justly and fairly theirs. Even in extreme cases, such as stealing £1 from a billionaire to buy bread to save a starving child who will otherwise die, Aristotle would still likely say that stealing is wrong.