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What are the CommVault ports?

What are the CommVault ports?


Service Port Number Protocol
CommVault Communications Service (GxCVD – This service is found in all CommCell computers) 8400 TCP
CommVault Server Event Manager (GxEvMgrS – This service is available in CommServe.) 8401 TCP
CommVault Client Event Manager (GxEvMgrC – This service is found in all CommCell computers.) 8402 TCP

What is the default listening port for CommVault network topologies configurations?

Set this to Default (8403), or click the edit icon to enter another port number.

What is CommVault CVD?

CommVault Communications Service. CVD. Provides the ability to fetch or save metadata on the CommServe when data protection or data recovery operations are in progress.

What are the features of Commvault?


  • Automated backup and recovery of VMs, containers, applications, databases, endpoints and files.
  • Cost-optimized workload mobility: on-premises to the cloud, even between clouds, with no downtime to production systems.
  • Data security and resilient ransomware protection.

What is global deduplication in Commvault?

Global deduplication provides a global, common deduplication store that can be used by multiple storage policy copies. This enables data from multiple copies to be deduplicated against each other, eliminating the redundant data between the copies.

What is Commvault Network Gateway?

The Commvault network gateway is a special configuration in which a dedicated Commvault agent is placed in a perimeter network that is configured to allow connections (from inside and outside networks) into the perimeter network.

What is pruning in Commvault?

Pruning is the process of physically deleting data from disk storage. During normal data aging operations, all chunks related to an aged job are marked as aged and pruned from disk. With Commvault deduplication, data blocks within SFILES can be referenced by multiple jobs.

What is Cvods process in commvault?

The CVODS binary is the ‘Commvault On Demand Service” process. It’s used to start different services / processes within CV (Such as a Live Browse) and its perfectly normal to see one or more of these processes running, especially on media agents + the Commserve.

What is Clbackup?

This files most often belongs to product Commvault. and were most often developed by company Commvault Systems Inc. This is executable file. You can find it running in Task Manager as the process clbackup.exe.

How does Commvault backup work?

Commvault Complete Backup and Recovery is a unified platform for data protection and management of both on-premises and cloud workloads. Key capabilities include data backup, snapshots, replication, archive, cloud migration and protection, granular recovery, content index and search, disaster recovery, and reporting.

What are the types of backups in Commvault?

Commvault® software provides the following backup types for protecting data:

  • Full.
  • Incremental.
  • Differential.
  • Synthetic Full.
  • DASH Full.

What is DASH full in commvault?

Accelerated Synthetic Full Backups (DASH Full)

What is Commvault?

The Commvault solution offers the most comprehensive support for widely deployed infrastructure platforms and applications both in the data center and in public cloud services. Commvault enables firms to embrace the cloud and modernize data resiliency operations.

What ports are used by Configuration Manager?

Configuration Manager uses the following ports for the discovery and publishing of site information: 1 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): 389 2 Secure LDAP (LDAPS, for signing and binding): 636 3 Global catalog LDAP: 3268 4 RPC Endpoint Mapper: 135 5 RPC: Dynamically allocated high TCP ports 6 TCP: 1024: 5000 7 TCP: 49152: 65535

What ports are used for the Internet-based management points?

Internet-based management points, distribution points that support internet-based clients, the software update point, and the fallback status point use the following ports for installation and repair: Site server –> Site system: RPC endpoint mapper using UDP and TCP port 135

What is the Commvault service credit?

If the monthly accessibility percentage is less than 99% and a claim is timely and properly filed and determined by Commvault to be valid, then a 25% service credit for that month applies and will be awarded as an extension of the subscription term. These credits are customers’ sole and exclusive remedy for a breach of any SLA. 4.