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What is a line item budget in film?

What is a line item budget in film?

In simple terms, a film budget is a shopping list, and a line item is just an item on that list.

What should a film budget include?

Items Included within the Budget In general, the budget includes all costs relating to the development, production, and post-production of a film. Thus, the budget includes, for example, costs of acquiring the script, payments to talent, and production costs.

What are above the line expenses in film?

Above the line in film production refers to the costs of making a movie associated with the major creative talent. Above the line credits include the director, actors, writers, and producers.

What things are included in above the line expenses in a video production?

Above-the-line costs are associated with the creative end of movie making. They include the costs of actors, directors, producers, writers and studio overhead.

How does a film budget work?

Multiple drafts of the budget may be required to whittle down costs. A budget is typically divided into four sections: above the line (creative talent), below the line (direct production costs), post-production (editing, visual effects, etc.), and other (insurance, completion bond, etc.).

What is a fringe in a film budget?

“Fringes” in film, TV, commercial and new media production are employer-paid taxes, fees and health / pension plan contributions that are paid to outside agencies on top of your crew’s wages.

What is a mid budget film?

Generally, it’s a movie that lies in the space between an art house indie flick and big-budget thriller, something like a “Home Alone” or a “Shawshank Redemption.” Some say they cost between $5 million and $75 million, others would say between $15 million to $60 million.

When budgeting a film should you always?

When budgeting a film you should always: Raise all your money before beginning the budget. Begin with a fixed amount and ensure the line items fit within it. Create one budget for the financiers and another for the actual production.

Is Line Producer below the line?

Though the Line Producer’s “line” usually falls within the production costs and is technically below the line, the Line Producer pretty much is the line.

What is a Line Producer in film?

Line producers are at the heart of a production, hiring the crew, allocating the money and making sure the filming is done safely, creatively, on budget and on time. They are typically the most senior member of the production team, second only to the producers.

Does film budget include actors?

Movie budgets can average around $100 million for a big budget film, meaning a lot of tickets have to be sold to break even. Major costs include paying cast and all staff their salaries, CGI and special effects, and marketing.

Which movie is highest budget in world?

Most expensive films (adjusted for inflation)

Rank Title Cost (est.) (millions)
1 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides $378.5
2 Avengers: Age of Ultron $365
3 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End $300

What is the difference between a film budget and line items?

In simple terms, a film budget is a shopping list, and a line item is just an item on that list. But line items, in a larger sense, are really where the rubber hits the road.

What is line item in a simple budget?

So they depend on this simple budget where several categories of Expenses are presented in a line. It doesn’t reflect revenue; they only show the expense. The primary purpose of Line Item is to help managers to control their expenses. The comparison between the past and present expense figures always acts as a sign of warning for the mangers.

What are line items in film making?

But line items, in a larger sense, are really where the rubber hits the road. Making movies on a professional level, whether its a large film or a small film, requires an attention to detail that most new filmmakers can find either extremely intimidating, or overly complicated, or both.

Can a line item budget be changed?

The line budget is fixed at the beginning of the year. So if due to circumstantial changes, the manager feels that the budget that is prepared is not a correct reflection of the estimated expenses, then also the manager can’t change the budget. It requires permission from higher authorities to make changes in the Line Item Budget.