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What is the purpose of the Be Kind?

What is the purpose of the Be Kind?

Be Kind Movement was established in 2015 with the aim of celebrating and amplifying the power of kindness through education. Our passion lies in developing emotional intelligence (EQ) skills using the medium of film to influence, impact and embed 10 values of kindness in children and young people.

What is being kind to others?

Kindness is choosing to do something that helps others or yourself, motivated by genuine warm feelings. Kindness, or doing good, often means putting other people’s needs before our own. It could be by giving up our seat on a bus to someone who might need it more, or offering to make a cup of tea for someone at work.

Who started the Be Kind movement?

The charity was founded by Premila Puri in May 2015. As an entrepreneur and film producer, Premila was motivated to start a movement of kindness through launching Be Kind Movement.

Why you should always be kind?

Why is kindness important? When we practice kindness either to other people or towards ourselves we can experience positive mental and physical changes through lowering stress levels and increasing the body’s production of feel-good hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin.

How kindness can change the world?

Kindness has been shown to increase self-esteem, empathy and compassion, and improve mood. It can decrease blood pressure and cortisol, a stress hormone, which directly impacts stress levels. People who give of themselves in a balanced way also tend to be healthier and live longer.

How kindness helps in making us a better person?

Being kind opens up many different possibilities to start or develop a social connection with someone. Kind acts such as a buying someone a thoughtful present or even just a coffee strengthens friendships, and that in itself is linked to improved mood.

Why is it important to do good things to others?

When we give to others it activates the areas of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection and trust. Altruistic behaviour releases endorphins in the brain and boosts happiness for us as well as the people we help.

Where did the Be Kind quote come from?

One of the most popular quotes about kindness on the Internet is attributed to the novelist Henry James: “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”

What is up with the Be Kind signs?

During this unprecedented time when people are fighting for equality and weathering COVID-19, ‘Be Kind’ signs remind individuals to treat others like they themselves would like to be treated. “Love, love, LOVE how the message of kindness is spreading in the Petersburg area,” said ‘Be Kind’ founder Bonnell of Richmond.

What can kindness do to a person?

What is kindness value?

Kindness is being friendly, generous, and considerate to others and yourself. Being kind often requires courage and strength, as it involves the willingness to celebrate and give attention to someone else. It is also about giving honest feedback when doing so is helpful to the other person.

What is a good quote about kindness?

Motivational Quotes

  • “Love and kindness are never wasted.
  • “What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?” –
  • “You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force.” –
  • “Kindness can become its own motive.
  • “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people.