Does margin auto work on position absolute?
“An element with position absolute cannot be centered…” Actually, this is not true: The key is to set all top/bottom/left/right properties to 0 and declare width and height , then margin: auto will automatically center the absolutely positioned element.
How do you give an absolute position margin?
You need to set the position to relative in order to set its margin . The margin-bottom , margin-left and margin-right will NOT work when the element is in position: absolute .
What does setting margin to auto do?
The auto Value You can set the margin property to auto to horizontally center the element within its container. The element will then take up the specified width, and the remaining space will be split equally between the left and right margins.
How do you move a position with an absolute element?
Absolute Positioning You can use two values top and left along with the position property to move an HTML element anywhere in the HTML document. Move Left – Use a negative value for left. Move Right – Use a positive value for left. Move Up – Use a negative value for top.
Why does margin auto not work?
margin:auto won’t work when you have a float or haven’t specified a width. kohoutek: margin:auto won’t work when you have a float or haven’t specified a width.
Why margin auto doesnt work vertically?
The right answer for your question is that margin: auto 0 doesn’t work the same way that margin: 0 auto works because width: auto doesn’t work the same way height: auto does. Vertical auto margin works for absolutely positioned elements with a known height.
What is an absolute margin?
absolute Margin (M) = P – TC or in other words margin is premium over total costs which is charged to the customer for adding value to raw material.
Why is margin auto not working?
What does margin auto 0 mean?
So in margin: 0 auto, the top/bottom margin is 0, and the left/right margin is auto, Where auto means that the left and right margin are automatically set by the browser based on the container, to make element centered.
What is margin top auto?
The margin-top CSS property sets the margin area on the top of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.
What is absolute positioning?
Absolute positioning In contrast, an element that is absolutely positioned is taken out of the flow; thus, other elements are positioned as if it did not exist. The absolutely positioned element is positioned relative to its nearest positioned ancestor (i.e., the nearest ancestor that is not static ).
When you place position absolute on something what is it positioned relative to?
An element with position: absolute; is positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor (instead of positioned relative to the viewport, like fixed). However; if an absolute positioned element has no positioned ancestors, it uses the document body, and moves along with page scrolling.
Is there a way to make margin 0 auto for position absolute?
When using position absolute, margin: 0 auto will not work, but you can do like this (will also scale): Show activity on this post. I already had this same issue and I’ve got the solution writing a container (.divtagABS-container, in your case) absolutely positioned and then relatively positioning the content inside it (.divtagABS, in your case).
Why are margins not allowed on absolutely positioned elements?
“Margins make little sense on absolutely positioned elements since such elements are removed from the normal flow, thus they cannot push away any other elements on the page. Using margins like this can only affect the placement of the element to which the margin is applied, not any other element.”
Does margin auto auto work with inline or block elements?
If the display of your parent container is flex, then yes, margin: auto auto (also known as margin: auto) will work to center it both horizontally and vertically, regardless if it is an inline or block element. #parent { width: 50vw; height: 50vh; background-color: gray; display: flex; } #child { margin: auto auto; }
What is the difference between margin-top and margin-bottom?
margin-top:auto and margin-bottom:auto because their used values would compute as zero margin-top:-50% because percentage-based margin values are calculated relative to the width of containing block