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Which structure is spared in midline abdominal incision?

Which structure is spared in midline abdominal incision?

The midline incision (Figures 1–4) The falciform ligament with the ligamentum teres in its free edge lies in the midline, and is best avoided by opening the peritoneum to the left or right of the midline (Figure 5) deep to the belly of the rectus abdominis.

What is the safest site for abdominal incision?

The key is to avoid wrong-site surgery. For abdominal surgery, the midline incision is versatile and allows access to most organs; for chest surgery, the median sternotomy and thoracotomy afford access to most thoracic organs.

What is midline incision used for?

The midline incision (no. ①) is used for a wide array of abdominal surgery, as it allows the majority of the abdominal viscera to be accessed. A midline laparotomy can run anywhere from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis, passing around the umbilicus.

What is vertical incision?

During abdominal hysterectomy, your surgeon makes a vertical or a horizontal incision in your lower abdomen. A vertical incision (left) gives the surgeon greater access to your pelvis. A horizontal incision (right) follows your skin’s natural lines, usually leaving a thinner scar.

What is the muscle cut during a midline incision?

The rectus abdominis muscles are two long vertical muscles on either side of the midline in the abdominal wall.

What is a lower midline incision?

lower midline incision. Cut through the subcutaneous fat tissue and expose the rectus sheat. Division of the linea alba and fascia transversalis. Blunt dissection of the Retzius’ space. Using blunt dissection, the peritoneum is pushed superiorly and medially to expose the iliac vessels, spermatic cord and ureter.

What is a vertical abdominal incision called?

There are various types of abdominal incisions: Vertical incisions: Midline incisions or median incisions: These incisions are made on the midline of your abdomen (belly).

What is the midline of the abdomen?

The linea alba (Latin: for white line) is a fibrous structure that runs down the midline of the abdomen in humans and other vertebrates.

What is low vertical incision?

A low vertical incision is an incision in the lower half of the uterine corpus including the lower segment when present. MATERIALS AND MFFHOD. From 1979 to 1985, there were 23,569 births at the Westmead Hospital, Sydney and 3,420 (14.5%) were by a Caesarean delivery.

What is a midline laparotomy?

Midline laparotomy consists of exposure and exploration of the abdomen through a vertical incision along a line along and through the linea alba. The decussating fibers of the linea alba delineate an avascular line that runs from xiphoid to pubis. The incision may be made as short or long as needed.

What are the types of abdominal incisions?

There are various types of abdominal incisions:

  • Vertical incisions: Midline incisions or median incisions: These incisions are made on the midline of your abdomen (belly).
  • Transverse incisions: These incisions cosmetically appear better.
  • Oblique incisions: Several oblique incisions are used for specific organ exposures.