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Which Spartan King is the cultist?

Which Spartan King is the cultist?

Pausanias is the cultist. End of the day, it doesn’t matter to the success of the quest of if there is proof or not–Pausanias will be revealed as the cultist. The difference is where he will be found to be assassinated. If he is exiled, he will be along the road. If the player is exiled, he will remain in Sparta.

Who was Kosmos?

Kosmos is a mysterious entity who is worshipped as a deity by the Cult of Kosmos, a secretive cabal active during the Peloponnesian War in Greece. His “voice” in the world was called the Ghost of Kosmos.

Where can I get Zoisme?

Zoisme can be found hiding in Wild Bear cave, in the top center of the Malis region. You’ll find the clue that points you in the direction of this cultist when you obtain the Cultist Letters in The Serpent’s Lair.

Should I help Sophanes get citizenship?

Make sure you use your fists, do not kill the man if you choose this. I’ll Pay You – Pay him and he will do as you ask, no problems here. Sophanes Doesn’t Deserve Citizenship – This choice doesn’t matter as much as you might think. The quest giver doesn’t get upset about it at all and you are still rewarded.

Who is Hermippos?

Hermippos (died 431 BCE) was an Athenian comic playwright. He was also member of the Eyes of Kosmos branch of the Cult of Kosmos, operating in Attika, Greece during the 5th century BCE. He was son of Lysis and brother of Myrtilos.

Is ISU a Pythagoras?

After completing the series it’s revealed that Pythagoras has isu blood. And according to Spartan legend Leonidas was a descendant of Heracles, meaning Kassandra is a descendant of Zeus/Jupiter on her mother’s side.

Is Kos-Mos human?

KOS-MOS is an armored android robot combat weapon with an artificial intelligence to fight the Gnosis. Created by Kevin Winnicot and administrated by Chief Engineer Shion Uzuki, KOS-MOS was developed by the interstellar conglomerate Vector Industries First R&D Division for the Galaxy Federation’s Zohar Project.

Should I lie Diona?

Diona, who is a part of the cult, is the one on the right. The correct choice is the first one: “On the right – you’re Diona!” If you choose the correct answer, you’ll only have to fight Diona. If you choose wrong, the real cultist will attack you.

How do you get the immortal set in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey?

To get the Immortal Legendary armor set in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, you’ll have to hunt down all five underlings in the Worshippers of the Bloodline branch of the Cult of Kosmos.