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Which is citrus nematode?

Which is citrus nematode?

The citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans) occurs wherever citrus is grown, exacting a heavy toll in fruit quality and production. Typical symptoms are a slow decline, yellowing and dying of leaves, and dieback of twigs and branches in many groves 15 years or older.

What is the scientific name of citrus nematode?

Tylenchulus semipenetransTylenchulus semipenetrans / Scientific name

common name: citrus nematode. scientific name: Tylenchulus semipenetrans (Cobb, 1913) (Nematoda: Secernentea: Tylenchida: Tylenchulidae: Tylenchulinae)

Which nematode causes dirty root symptoms?

Tylenchulus semipenetrans

Citrus nematode
Scientific classification
Family: Tylenchulidae
Subfamily: Tylenchulinae
Genus: Tylenchulus

How do you control citrus nematode?


  1. Use certified nematode-free planting stock, citrus nematode-resistant rootstocks, and nematode-free planting sites.
  2. Prevent citrus nematode infestation by contaminated run-off or irrigation water.
  3. Rotate with annual crops for 1 to 3 years before replanting citrus to reduce the number of citrus nematodes.

What is nematode wool?

In the absence of host plants, stem nematodes are able to survive in moist soil for up to a year; however, they are more resistant to desiccation, fourth-stage juveniles often congregating in their thousands and drying out to form yellowish, woolly masses (‘nematode wool’).

What is citrus decline?

Citrus decline, commonly known as ‘dieback’ is also known as ‘chlorosis’ or neglectosis is not a specific disease but a syndrome expressing many disorders in the plant leads to decline in productivity, reduced productive life and poor fruit quality.

Are nematodes pathogens?

These nematodes are usually small soil-borne pathogens that can feed on all plant parts (including roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds), although most species feed on roots. They need a protrusible stylet for feeding that they use to penetrate the plant cells.

What soil texture is generally most preferred by plant parasitic nematodes?

As a generalization, sandy soils are nematode-loving soils. However, nematodes exist in soils of all textures some even being favored by a more fine texture.

How nematodes can be controlled chemically?

Chemical treatment with fumigants or nematicides may be the only technique available, and from the plant quarantine standpoint it is important that their use is retained. The use of chemicals in protected cropping may still be preferable to other techniques such as steam treatment for economic and practical reasons.

How are nematodes treated organically?

To kill nematodes in soil, heat small quantities of moist soil to 140°F in the oven or by solarization. Heating soil in the oven over a time period needed to bake a medium-sized potato placed in the center of the soil is sufficient to kill nematodes; however, this is only practical for small quantities of soil.

What are the two types of nematodes?

The two primary classes in phylum Nematoda are Enoplea and Chromadorea. Both classes consist of free-living and parasitic worms that live in a wide variety of habitats. They are distinguished from each other through anatomical features.

What are three examples nematodes?

Some of these worms are known by such common names as hookworm, lungworm, pinworm, threadworm, whipworm, and eelworm. Nematodes can cause a variety of diseases (such as filariasis, ascariasis, and trichinosis) and parasitize many crop plants and domesticated animals.