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What was the significance of the Cristeros rebellion in Mexico?

What was the significance of the Cristeros rebellion in Mexico?

Cristero Rebellion, a peasant uprising from 1926 to 1929, pushed Mexico to the brink of political chaos. The Cristeros generally saw the conflict as a religious war against the anticlericalism of the Mexican government.

Who were the Cristeros and what were they fighting for?

The rebellion had two basic sides: the government and the cristeros. The government was trying to put out this rebellion of Catholic laity and clergy, who called themselves cristeros, or ‘soldiers of Christ’. The state enlisted the help of agraristas to fight.

What ended the Cristero rebellion?

1926 – 1929Cristero War / Period

Who led the Cristeros?

Enrique Gorostieta (1889-2 June 1929) was a Mexican general during the Mexican Revolution and later the commander-in-chief of the Cristeros during the Cristero War.

What caused the Mexican revolution?

The Mexican Revolution started in 1910, when liberals and intellectuals began to challenge the regime of dictator Porfirio Díaz, who had been in power since 1877, a term of 34 years called El Porfiriato, violating the principles and ideals of the Mexican Constitution of 1857.

How many priests were killed in the Mexican revolution?

The war had claimed the lives of some 90,000: 56,882 on the federal side, 30,000 Cristeros.

How many people died during the Cristero War?

The war had claimed the lives of some 90,000: 56,882 on the federal side, 30,000 Cristeros, and numerous civilians and Cristeros who were killed in anticlerical raids after the war’s end.

What were the causes and consequences of the Mexican revolution?

The economic policies of Porfirio Díaz, unequal distribution of land, deeply entrenched economic inequality, and undemocratic institutions were the major causes of the revolution.

What does Viva Cristo Rey mean?

Long Live Christ the King
They were the Cristeros, so called because of their battle cry, ¡Viva Cristo Rey! ―Long Live Christ the King!