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What was the issue with the Trinity?

What was the issue with the Trinity?

The fundamental problem orthodox Latin Trinitarians face is that of maintaining a distinction between Trinitarian Persons sufficient to avoid Sabellianism, since orthodox Christians hold that the Persons of the Trinity are not merely aspects of God or God under different descriptions but in some sense distinct …

What religion are the Trinitarian Bible Society?

The Society provides Bibles and Christian literature (from a historically Reformed perspective) to the world. They have chapters in many countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Brazil.

What did arius argue?

Arius argued for the supremacy of God the Father, and maintained that the Son of God was simply the oldest and most beloved Creature of God, made from nothing, because of being the direct offspring.

Does the Bible ever mention the Trinity?

Neither the word “Trinity” nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Hebrew Scriptures: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4).

Where did the idea of the Trinity come from?

The word ‘trinity’ appears nowhere in the Bible; the concept was finalized at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE after years of debate. It was an attempt to articulate Christianity’s belief in the oneness of God with their claims about Jesus and their experiences of the spirit.

Where did Trinity doctrine come from?

2.1 The Old Testament No trinitarian doctrine is explicitly taught in the Old Testament. Sophisticated trinitarians grant this, holding that the doctrine was revealed by God only later, in New Testament times (c. 50–c. 100) and/or in the Patristic era (c.

What is Trinitarian theology?

One God in three persons In Trinitarian doctrine, God exists as three persons but is one being, having a single divine nature. The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will.

What does Trinitarian mean in English?

Definition of trinitarian (Entry 1 of 2) 1 capitalized : of or relating to the Trinity, the doctrine of the Trinity, or adherents to that doctrine. 2 : having three parts or aspects : threefold.

Did Arius believe Jesus was God?

Arius taught that Jesus Christ was divine/holy and was sent to earth for the salvation of mankind but that Jesus Christ was not equal to God the Father (infinite, primordial origin) in rank and that God the Father and the Son of God were not equal to the Holy Spirit.

What did Arius believe about the Trinity?

Despite the Church’s doctrine holding that the Trinity was three equal entities making one fully divine being, Arius took an alternative view of the subject. Arius asserted that God was the almighty, and therefore his son Jesus was “subordinate to or less than the Father” (Lynch 164).

Where did the doctrine of the Trinity come from?

Many Christian apologists argue that the doctrine of the Trinity is “biblical” (i.e. either it is implicitly taught there, or it is the best explanation of what is taught there) using three sorts of arguments. They begin by claiming that the Father of Jesus Christ is the one true God taught in the Old Testament.

Who invented the Trinity?

writer Tertullian
1. The logical problem of the Trinity. The words ‘the Trinity’ are the English equivalent of the Latin word Trinitas, which was coined by the early Christian writer Tertullian.