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What percentage of engineers pass the FE exam?

What percentage of engineers pass the FE exam?

Pass rates

Exam Volume Pass rate
FE Civil 3768 62%
FE Electrical and Computer 815 73%
FE Environmental 470 70%
FE Industrial and Systems 116 62%

Is the FE hard to pass?

A 54% pass rate is a hard exam, the hardest among the FE exams. The FE Mechanical and FE Environmental exams now have the highest pass rate at 66% (see our chart in the next section below), and a 34% failure rate is something we consider very demanding.

Where do I take the FE exam in Ohio?

Pearson Vue Select testing centers
The FE and FS exams are offered at Pearson Vue Select testing centers located throughout Ohio. The exams are offered in four, two-month testing windows with exams available in January-February, April-May, July-August and October-November.

Do you need an engineering degree to take the FE exam?

A bachelor’s or master’s degree in engineering from a program accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET. An acceptable result on the FE exam.

Can you pass the FE without studying?

The “Pareto Principle,” a well-known time management concept, states that 80% of your intended result could be obtained with only 20% of the input. The remaining 80% of work will yield just an additional 20% of returns.

What is the easiest FE exam to pass?

“Which FE Exam Should I Take?”: Taking the FE Other Disciplines Exam in Undergraduate School

Exam* Pass Rate
FE Chemical 74%
FE Civil 69%
FE Electrical and Computer 71%
FE Environmental 76%

How much does the FE exam cost?

The U.S. engineering and surveying licensure boards that make up NCEES have voted to amend its policy on exam charges to lower the price for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) and Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) exams by $50 to $175 beginning January 2018.

How many times can you fail the FE exam?

The number of questions has also been reduced from 180 to 110. What if I need to retake the exam? NCEES allows examinees to take the exam once during each two-month period and up to three times per 12-month period.

Is the FE exam worth taking?

Firstly, passing the FE exam adds weight to a resume and indicates that you’re serious about your field and your career. Secondly, while the exam itself carries little importance in day-to-day engineering work, it’s the first step toward obtaining a Professional Engineer license.

How long should I study for the FE exam?

We recommend planning to study for at least 2 to 3 months before your FE exam date. Once you get started practicing problems from all of the different topics covered, you’ll have a better idea if you need to spend more or less time preparing.

Does passing the FE exam help get job?

Step 1: Take the Fundamentals of Engineering FE Exam Passing the test shows potential employers that you are qualified to be an engineer and that you are serious about your career. It is the first step toward becoming a licensed engineer.

How long should you study for FE?