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What is the synonym for woozy?

What is the synonym for woozy?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for woozy, like: drunk, nauseous, giddy, weak, dizzy, vertiginous, shaky, queasy, lightheaded, reeling and awareness.

What’s woozy mean?

Definition of woozy 1 : mentally unclear or hazy seems a little woozy, not quite knowing what to say— J. A. Lukacs. 2 : affected with dizziness, mild nausea, or weakness. 3 : having a soft, indistinct, or unfocused quality : vague, fuzzy woozy … prose and vaguely beneficent statements— Roz Kaveney.

What is the synonym for Delirious?

deranged, mad, maniacal. (also maniac), nuclear.

What’s the word for feeling faint?

Feeling dizzy and close to losing consciousness. dizzy. giddy. vertiginous. weak.

Is woozy a real word?

adjective, wooz·i·er, wooz·i·est. stupidly confused; muddled: woozy from a blow on the head. physically out of sorts, as with dizziness, faintness, or slight nausea: He felt woozy after the flu. drunken.

Is woozy an American word?

woozy (adj.) “muddled or dazed, as with drink,” 1897, American English colloquial, variant of oozy “muddy,” or an alteration of boozy. It is recorded in 1896 as student slang, but with a sense “foolish, behind the times,” also “pleasant, delightful.”

Why do I feel so woozy?

Causes of lightheadedness may be dehydration, medication side effects, sudden blood pressure drops, low blood sugar, and heart disease or stroke. Feeling woozy, lightheaded, or a little faint is a common complaint among older adults.

Does delirious mean crazy?

If you’re delirious you’re uncontrollably excited or a bit crazy, like when you win the lottery and run screaming through the streets, delirious with happiness.

What is the synonym of hallucination?

Some common synonyms of hallucination are delusion, illusion, and mirage. While all these words mean “something that is believed to be true or real but that is actually false or unreal,” hallucination implies impressions that are the product of disordered senses, as because of mental illness or drugs.

How do you describe lightheadedness?

Lightheadedness is when you feel like you might faint. Your body could feel heavy, you might feel nauseous and unsteady, and you may sweat. Your vision might also be affected. Lightheadedness is often caused by a lack of blood in the brain.

How do you use woozy in a sentence?

Woozy sentence example

  1. Deidre felt woozy and paused to steady her breathing.
  2. After two shots, she felt woozy .
  3. He drank deep and long until she began to grow woozy .
  4. Swoosh, fizz, pop, I can’t get those noises out of my head, I feel a bit woozy .

What causes Wooziness?

If your blood pressure drops — perhaps because you stood up too quickly, or you are dehydrated, or your blood pressure medications were recently increased — your brain may not get enough blood, causing wooziness. Low blood sugar. Your brain needs sugar to operate; too little fuel can cause wooziness.